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By: favna

c:\program files\gnuwin32\bin
no doubt it gets mentioned while you install it. or is findable by looking in
program files, for the aptly named directory "gnuwin32", and see bin. you can
change to that directory in the command prompt.  Or more long term, you can
set the PATH. Either temporarily -
set path=%path%;"c:\program files\gnuwin32\bin"
you may want to prepend it.

Or, more long term.. which is better..  
ctrl panel..system..advanced..environment variables
Then look at that long path variable, and put "c:\program files\gnuwin32\bin"
into the list.. Once you've OKed that, then I think maybe no restart necessary,
when you next open a command prompt, it'll have it. type echo %path% and it
should show it.

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