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By: raysatiro

You have an image file of your linux drive on your windows box? If I was doing
testing like that I would boot the image in a virtual machine. I like vmware
workstation because I can take snapshots and if I choose regress to a snapshot.
Snapshots become useless if you try to increase the size of the virtual disk
though, and they take up a lot of space.

re degradation over time, I have experienced that (not specific to dd or gnuwin)
but never by so much. I can't attribute the cause to any particular thing. I'm
interested in what solution you find to that problem. You could try another
version of dd, available here:
I use version 0.5.
7efcd6af6a0fda490b42e0ed4c5aa969079040d1 *dd.exe
The usage is slightly different, and depending on the version it reports 
Note that in the 0.6 betas:
--progress output is in the same unit as bs is specified with
As opposed to the way it is 0.5, reporting in bytes.

A note of caution (for anyone) that [b]you could totally decimate your hard
drive if you don't know what you're doing with dd[/b], or setting block size,
or if you don't understand the way windows object links and drive letters can
change. for example windows assigns volume4 and drive letter C to my main 
partition when I boot with my raid plugged in, but when I boot without the raid
plugged in it assigns volume2 and drive letter C.
  link to \\?\Device\HarddiskVolume2
  fixed media
  Mounted on \\.\c:

So you'd want to use a combination of winobj,, disk management console, dd 
etc so you can confirm what you're writing to. It's a mistake to assume, oh,
well, I always image to volume 5 or whatever so I'll just do that.

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