Media's War Against Reservations
Nalini Taneja

THE manner in which the government has finally responded to the
'debate' on the issue of reservations in institutions of higher
education was a forgone conclusion, given the nature of our ruling
polity and the media's widespread support to the anti-reservation
sentiment. Very much like the promise of 33 per cent reservation for
women in Parliament, cold feet and the collapse of will occur in the
brink of time?and the veritable solution is found, in creating
committees that will look into the 'complexities' of the issue
(further complicate the issue?). Implementation of affirmation action
is effectively postponed till some 'foolhardy' political
leader/leaders decide to give it centre stage again. And the entire
unfolding of the familiar denouement could come about yet again.

There may be some truth in the statement that the reservation is
being supported?at least in terms of lip service--by almost the entire
spectrum of political leadership for populist reasons, with
considerations of vote banks, because the OBCs and the dalits form a
very large chunk of our population, but it is at least equally true
that the retreat comes for equally vote-bank type of reasons. Only the
retreat is a bow-down not before numbers, but when faced with power
and clout of those who are privileged and rule the world as it were.

The media, supposedly prone to putting forward the 'complexities' of
any matter at hand?if we are to count the number of visuals and hours
given over to the discussion of the anti-reservation stir?has not
managed to see the pragmatism and vote bank concerns involved in not
implementing the 27 per cent reservation for the OBCs. The media has
in fact become disconcerted that the numerical majority is now
asserting some power as well!

The media has put its clout unambiguously on the side of anti-
reservation, if we are to go by editorials in the print media,
discussions on television channels, and the overall content of news
and visuals on the matter.

The truth that affirmation action on behalf of the unprivileged is a
constitutional obligation is so hidden and so little mentioned, except
by some political leaders interviewed, that even most agitators are
not aware of the 93rd amendment, which is now Article 15(5) of the
Constitution. It has also been pro-active in promoting the argument
about erosion of merit. Every television programme on the issue has
counter posed reservation to the principle of merit?and with justice
heavily weighted in favour of merit rather than social equity. Equal
opportunity is presented as synonymous with an 'open' competition for
admissions, disregarding how in actual fact these institutions are
closed for the majority of even those considered educated in this
country. As Prof. Vaidyanathan, a former member of the Planning
Commission, has pointed out in a write ?up: "Most of the youth who are
in higher education institutions, or aspiring to join them, belong to
the top 5 or ten percent of  households. Aspirants for higher-level
professional courses are even more concentrated in this class."

The issue of merit posed and supported by the media confines the
terms of the 'debate' to a discourse of the ruling classes. It does
not start form the premises of the disparities and inequalities that
exist, and which affirmative action is supposed to address. It starts
from the opposite premise, and subverts the democratic agenda by
painting a picture where the new privileged of the mediocrity rules
the roost and the able are rendered marginalised. This is nothing but
a conjuring up of visions that have no basis in facts or reality.

'Open' entry which debars the majority from participation is defined
as openness and equal opportunity, while opening of the doors for the
majority is presented as closing the doors to equal opportunity.

Affirmative action against caste preserves is presented as concession
to casteism or promotion of casteism, while the agitation against
affirmative action gets away with calling itself "Students for
Equality"! The same students, among them women, are never asked why we
still (justifiably) have women's colleges, with women teachers,
separate lines for women, reserved seats for women and so on, and that
they must look at discrimination and disparity in a broader framework
than just encompassing gender, which the women's movement in fact

The creamy layer argument is allowed to run unchallenged, ignoring
the fact that the Supreme Court directive had brought in economic
criteria considerations into the matter already, and that it is only
the creamy layer of any caste that anyway manages to get into these
institutions even as things stand. For the creamy layer to be
transcended we need a common school system, a cause which the media
has by and large not supported. It has argued in favour of
privatisation which sabotages any chances of higher education being
available to anyone not belonging to the creamy layer.

Merit is defined in terms and conditions favouring the privileged.
There is no cognisance of the relationship between money and
admissions in the debate, although it is an open secret?discussed at
other times even in the media?about huge money paid for admissions,
not to speak of huge sums that go into tuitions and preparations, the
legitimate expenditure unaffordable by majority. There is no mention
that affirmative action is only for admission and that once in, all
students have to pass the same exams and are subject to the same
examination process. Time and again people are allowed to get away
with statements that we would have doctors and engineers who will not
know their jobs or will not be qualified or competent. What competence
itself implies is never subjected to scrutiny. And so on.

One can see that the agitation against reservation has not assumed
the proportions it had in 1990. Student organisations and the
political leadership of this country have learnt a lot since then. The
dynamics of politics is under greater pressure from the democratic
forces in many ways, despite neo-liberalism and the globalisation
process and the Hindutva forces. There is a popular pressure for
inclusion, even as there is the elite pressure for exclusion in a
context of shrinking resources.

The bourgeois political leadership of this country seems to have
realised this somewhat, even if not willing to give in, but not the
media. There is a reason for this. While the political leadership is
subject to popular pressure, the democratic electoral process in a
positive sense, and accountable to those who elect them, knowing they
could be thrown out, the ownership pattern of the media guarantees
that the media remains a preserve of, and reflect ruling class
concerns. Its own social composition tells a lot.

Therefore, rather than a watch dog for democracy, on this issue the
media has been egging on an agitation that epitomises self interest
over social interest. Rather than arguing for or promoting reflection,
it has been contributing to falsifying and narrowing the terms of the
debate. It is also ensuring that those participating in the
anti-reservation protests rather than being given opportunity for
genuine reflection are lulled into believing they are fighting for
equality, and a higher moral ground. On this issue the media has not
even thought it necessary to maintain a neutral stance; it has come
out openly as the arm of the ruling classes.
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436
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