Stevan Harnad wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Alan Story wrote:
> > Until every desk in every university classroom has its own
> > web-accessible computer (still some way off...), there will
> > be an interest in paper copies by university teachers.
> > Paper copies are indispensable in the form student course
> > packs for study and discussion and debate in class by
> > reference to words in a text that everyone see in front of
> > them.  Hard copy is not dead yet for instructional
> > purposes.

Actually, we're not that far from having hand-held devices that access the
web remotely e.g., from in the classroom). Soon we'll simply expect students
to have them, just like we now expect them to have calculators. What is
more, students will always be able print papers that are available on-line
and bring them to class if they prefer. I am currently assembling an archive
of "classic" books and papers in the history of psychology
( ). I already assign these
electronic editions -- to be read on-line or printed, as students see fit --
rather than having to deal with printshops, reference librarians, and all
the other things that typically make assigning primary source material to
students a difficult process.

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3

phone:  (416) 736-5115 ext. 66164
fax:    (416) 736-5814

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