Experimental OAI-based Digital Library Systems Workshop

to be held in conjunction with:

  5th European Conference on Research and
  Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries

  September 4-9 2001, Darmstadt, Germany

Workshop Date: September 8 2001
Workshop Duration: Full-day
Workshop URL : http://www.cs.odu.edu/OaiEcdlWorkshop
Worshop Paper Submission Deadline:  July 10, 2001

The objective of the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) is to develop a
simple, lightweight framework to facilitate the discovery of content
in distributed archives (http://www.openarchives.org). The focus of
this workshop is to bring together researchers in the area of digital
libraries who are building OAI-based systems in order to share their
experiences, problems they are facing, and approaches they are taking
to address them. The workshop will consist of a few invited talks from
well-established researchers working in building OAI-based digital
library system along with short paper presentations.

Topics of Interest
We invite submissions describing experiences with OAI based system
building and reporting on results on the following, non exhaustive,
list of relevant topics:

- OAI based data and service providers
- Unified interface for searching heterogeneous libraries
- Metadata mapping across different libraries
- Harvesting metadata for building higher level services
- Issues in harvesting multilingual digital libraries
- Scalable digital library architectures
- Business models for sustainable digital libraries

Submission Information
- Papers should be at most 2000 words in length.
- Please submit your paper in Postscript or PDF formats.
- See http://www.cs.odu.edu/OaiEcdlWorkshop for further submission

Workshop Organizers
K. Maly and M. Zubair
Old Dominion University
Virginia, USA
Phone: +1 757 683 4817
Email: {maly,zubair}@cs.odu.edu

Diann Rusch-Feja
Max Planck Institute for Human Dev.
Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 30 824 06-230
Email: ruschf...@mpib-berlin.mpg.de

M. L. Nelson
NASA Langley Research Center
Virginia, USA
Phone: +1 757 864 8511
Email: m.l.nel...@larc.nasa.gov

Michael L. Nelson
207 Manning Hall, School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina            m...@ils.unc.edu
Chapel Hill, NC 27599                   http://ils.unc.edu/~mln/
+1 919 966 5042                         +1 919 962 8071 (f)

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