At 10:09 PM 7/1/2004 +0100, David Goodman wrote:

I cannot immediately think of a single term for
author/university/sponsor/etc. , but perhaps someone else will.

And, to save Steven the trouble, I will add that alternative good
means of OA exists, which are surely familiar to anyone reading
this listserv.

"author/sponsor pays" is the best I've come up with.

And in response to comment that it is really always the author that must
decide whether to use funds that might otherwise be used elsewhere,
in the part of the University of Florida where I work, the Experiment
Station administration supports publication of research results by paying
publication costs (including reprints, page charges, and OA fees).  The
only way an author/researcher can access those funds is to publish and have
to pay for doing so!

Thomas J. Walker
Department of Entomology & Nematology
PO Box 110620 (or Natural Area Drive)
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0620
E-mail:  (or
FAX: (352)392-0190

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