Arthur & Thomas


-----Original Message-----
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum 
[] On Behalf 
Of Thomas Krichel
Sent: Sunday, 17 February 2008 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: How to Compare IRs and CRs

  Arthur Sale writes

> In response to Tom's request for one university that will guarantee that
> they collect all their research output, here are two:
> Queensland Institute of Technology, Australia,  since 2004. University
> mandate since 2004. Now in its 5th year!

  The site can not be reached on Februrary 17 at 09:41:21 NOVT 2008. can be, but I don't find such a statement there.

As the manager of QUT's institutional repository, I can confirm that there is 
no statement on our website that 'guarantees' that we collect fulltext copies 
of ALL our research output.  I don't believe ANY university can give such a 
guarantee at this point in time.  However, we can say that a significant 
proportion of QUT's research output is being deposited (at least 65% for some 
years) and, to a large extent, this is due to the University-wide Eprint 
policy. (  The policy puts 
'self-archiving'and OA on the agenda within QUT academic departments and 
research centres. The adoption of similar policies by funding bodies will 
reinforce the message that providing open access to research results (not just 
publication) is an integral part of the research process.

In my experience, researchers who are most enthusiastic about our repository 
see it as a useful 'tool' that makes their academic life more effective and 
more efficient.

With multi-disciplinary research becoming increasingly common, I think it makes 
sense to encourage deposit via an IR with the option of including metadata that 
will facilitate later harvesting by CR's.  Alternatively, IRs could include 
options for forwarding the metadata to a CR specified by the depositor. It is 
important that we acknowledge disciplinary differences - one tool will not suit 
all.  But, if I may mix my metaphors, researchers should not have to hammer the 
same nail with two hammers.

Paula Callan
eResearch Access Coordinator
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia

PH:  +617  3138 3413

> University of Queensland, Australia, since beginning of 2008.

  That is for just 1 and a half months?

> Now achieving annual government research reporting through their
> IR. This implies 100% coverage of
> course.

  I did not ask you to tell me about them, I asked if there would
  be an official from an institutions warrant us that they have
  achieved it. I happen to know a bit about the Queensland Institute
  of Technology, situation, I hold a QUT staff card and know the
  repository manager there. But I don't think that it is worth
  discussing the situation in one particular institution here.

  I am not saying that IRs are not a potentially good development
  and I am not saying that they will never work. But I hope that
  we can agree that, from today's perspective, filling IRs
  until we achieve 100% open access will be a very very long

  With cheers from Novosibirsk (sunny, -13C),

  Thomas Krichel          
  phone: +7 383 330 6813                       skype: thomaskrichel

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