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Dear all,

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (www.base-search.net) will stay free and 
independent. Our API can be used to integrate harvested and normalized content 
into other search services, maybe we should think about an OAI interface to 
the BASE index.

I still wonder, why there is no discussion about the  "OCLC OAIster Terms and 


We also provide a lot of content via our repositories and from my point of 
view, OCLC is asking for more than necessary.


Am Donnerstag, 24. September 2009 16:59:11 schrieb Peters, Dale:
> An alternative to the systematic commercialisation of Open Access data, is
> the formal constitution of COAR: the Confederation of Open Access
> Repositories, scheduled to take place in Open Access Week 2009.
> http://www.driver-repository.eu/DRIVER-COAR.html
> Emerging as the sustainable outcome of the DRIVER infrastructure, COAR is a
> community-driven approach, where institutions can determine how they want
> their repositories to be deployed.  The action plan is directed towards
> international organisational support for Open Access in research
> infrastructures around the globe.
> COAR utilises the tremendous synergies emerging in higher education between
> repositories, researchers and research funders to coordinate collaborative
> networks in the vision of a global knowledge infrastructure.
> Once the legal and technical infrastructures for OA dissemination reach the
> coverage and maturity that equally satisfies the researcher's data-sharing
> concerns and matches the respect that WorldCat enjoys, third party service
> providers, like OCLC, become equitable partners without questionable terms
> and conditions.
> Regards,
> Dale
> ------------------------------------------
> Dr D Peters
> Scientific Technical Manager DRIVER II
> State and University Library of Goettingen
> pet...@sub.uni-goettingen.de
> Tel:  +49 551 39 5242
> Fax: +49 551 39 5222
> Mobile:+49 (0)160 989 67663
> ------------------------------------------
> http://www.driver-repository.eu/
> http://www.driver-support.eu/en/
> ----------------------------------

Dirk Pieper
Bielefeld UL - BASE
Universitätsstr. 25, D-33615 Bielefeld
E-mail: dirk.pie...@uni-bielefeld.de | Tel.: +49 521 106-4010
Fax: +49 521 106-4052


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