Thank you William.


I had previously come to the conclusion that institutional repositories were
simply failing to reach enough acceptance to reach the OA revolution tipping
point, and open access journals are struggling. My analysis a year or so ago was
that the social media model (such as Mendeley) offered a model which would
result in rapid takeup, particularly by younger, active, researchers. I wrote
four essays (and I called this route the Titanium Road) which alas I have
forgotten to upload to the University Repository and make OA. I will do so asap
and let the list know when they are available.


Thank you for the reply. The time for the change has not only come - it is long
overdue. I'll follow your blogs with interest.


However, there is another key issue that nobody has yet responded to. Besides
synchronizing Mendeley (excellent), can we get rid of the horribly clunky
repository deposit interfaces? Being an Emeritus Professor I no longer command
the programming resources to make it happen. Librarians are no longer so wedded
to manual intervention in metadata so they won’t resist.


Best wishes for Christmas and New Year. I look forward to Mendeley’s 
activities in the future!


Arthur Sale

Emeritus Professor of Computer Science

University of Tasmania, Australia


-----Original Message-----
From: Repositories discussion list [] On
Behalf Of William Gunn
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2011 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Automating metadata extraction


Arthur, it's interesting that you mention the fluid deposit interface of
Mendeley as an example for institutional repositories, because I made exactly
that argument during my talk at Open Repositories in Austin this summer [1], and
I'm not the only one who's been thinking about it. Les Carr [2] and Adam
Brownfield [3] have also had the same idea.


So it sounds like an idea whose time has come! Next year we hope to have a pilot
going with Cambridge to sync Mendeley with institutional repositories, and you
can kepe up to date on the progress of the work here:





[4] My slides from OR are here: They're a bit
impressionistic, but I think you can get the idea.




William Gunn | Head of Academic Outreach | +1 646 755 9862


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