I agree that portraying 'green' OA as not providing 'real' OA is to be avoided. 
"Real OA" has become a wholly meaningless term, due to the proliferation of 
different perceptions that has taken place, unintentionally or deliberately. 
Instead, using the unambiguous "BOAI-compliant OA" is to be recommended.

(i) Observing that Gratis Green OA and its mandates do not (necessarily) 
provide BOAI-compliant OA is just observing a fact; not "deprecating Gratis 
Green OA". 
(ii) I'm not aware of anybody advocating mandates for BOAI-compliant 'green' 
OA. Advocating BOAI-compliant 'green' OA, emphatically yes. Mandating it, no.
(iii) I'm not aware of anybody advocating mandates for 'gold' OA. Examples, 
please, if you have them. Preferences, yes. Mandates, no.
(iv) See (iii).

Jan Velterop

On 10 Oct 2012, at 22:27, Stevan Harnad wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Jan Velterop <velte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jean-Claude,
> I get that. But I have a question that I don't think has been answered yet. 
> I'll phrase the question differently: Do you think that going for libre 
> wherever we can, impedes the chances of achieving gratis where libre is not 
> currently realistically possible?
> If I may be permitted to venture a reply too:
> An author going for libre whenever he can and wants to is perfectly fine, 
> whether it means (1) negotiating with a subscription publisher for libre 
> Green or (2) paying a Gold publisher for libre Gold (if the author has the 
> funds and wants to).
> What's not fine is (i) deprecating Gratis Green OA or Gratis Green OA 
> mandates as not providing "real" OA -- or, equally, (ii) advocating 
> "upgrading" mandates to (impossible) Libre Green mandates. Or (iii) 
> advocating paying for Gold *instead of* mandating (Gratis) Green. Or (iv) 
> advocating mandating Gold instead of mandating (Gratis) Green.
> (i) - (iv) amount to passing over the better in the name of reaching the best 
> (when the better is within reach and the best is not)
> Stevan Harnad
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