On 11 December 2013 20:13, Bosman, J.M. <j.bos...@uu.nl> wrote:

>  Let me be clear on this. My suggestion to move the discussion on peer
> review to another list has nothing to do with agreeing or not agreeing with
> anyone. It has to do with the degree to which peer review is related to
> Open Access. Even with zero open access peer review would reach its limits
> and needs to change. I think peer review discussions are more fruitful in a
> forum that focusses on innnovations in scholarly communication rather than
> just open access, although of course some lines that converge and
> intersect.

Well, at the risk of putting words into the mouths of others, I find it
hard to believe that there is anyone - even advocates of "traditional"
publishing - who thinks it is a good idea to deny access to the outputs of
quality research.

Two highly substantive issues about open access are cost and credibility.
Closed access publishing is not immune to the potential flaws in peer
review, but open access can provide more opportunity and incentive to
leverage flawed peer review.

Whilst the major [open access] publishers have maintained a commitment to
"honest" peer review, the same can't be said of every operating publisher.

This list may not be the appropriate place for an in-depth discussion about
changing the peer review process. But assuring the credibility of open
access - in particular open access publishing - is inextricably linked to
peer review, and how it is conducted. And a discussion of any changes would
also impact on how much open access [publishing] costs, and how it is

On that basis, it would be impractical to consider peer review as off topic
for an open access list - but any discussion would also need to recognise
that there is a larger audience that needs to be involved (but then that is
true of any list that people choose to subscribe to, regardless of it's

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