Dear Stevan and all,

Thanks for the links. I had read some of them.

 is what Peter Suber says, is what you say, 
and is yours as 
well. I of course recognize your expertise in this field, but these statements 
are not "official" to me. Others, as Jeffrey Bell, wrote "Gold = free to 
reader, author pays article processing charge; Platinum = free to reader, free 
to author" 
(, linked 
by yourself in one of your articles mentioned).

Some LAC authors use "Platinum OA" and "Commercial OA" (author pays) as 
sub-types of OA, and I don't see why they should be wrong. It's just a way to 
call it.  What would you call it? Subsidized OA? OA without APCs? (just asking)

You wrote "There is no Platinum OA. OA is about access, not about funding 
mechanisms". Ok, but, as I wrote before, I think OA was not meant to be only 
"gratis". Officialy (BBB) it was meant to be free of access + free to use. It's 
not open if it's not "libre". The types "gratis" and "libre" came after, 
introduced by some authors (Suber, at least). So Platinum has been used by 
others. Scientists make the names. All scientists by all over the world.

I don't think it is a banal discussion only on names. It's about points of 
view. With all due respect, I think that you and others are using a Western 
point of view, when OA should be treated through a universal point of view. 
"Platinum OA" is very important in LAC, not that important in Western 
countries, and that's why it is refused by Western authors.

That's what I think.

Thanks for your time.

With kind regards,

Miguel Navas-Fernández
PhD Researcher at Universitat de Barcelona
Member of Acceso Abierto research group
Associate Editor of DOAJ
ORCID Linkedin Twitter


Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 07:42:44 -0400
From: Stevan Harnad <>
Subject: [GOAL]  OA Provision vs. OA Semiology
To: "Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

The purpose of terminology and definitions is to clarify and simplify their

The BBB description of OA, based on the first B in 2002
<>, was updated in 2008
distinguish Green from Gold OA and Gratis from Libre OA, exactly along the
lines described:

See also:

On "Diamond OA," "Platinum OA," "Titanium OA," and "Overlay-Journal OA,"
Again <>


Paid Gold OA Versus Free Gold OA: Against Color Cacophony
<> (2013)

And, to repeat:

There is no "Platinum" OA. OA is about access, not about funding mechanisms

(of which there are three: subscription fee, publication fee, or subsidy

[the latter not to be confused with "gratis"])

> After at least a decade and a half I think it would be a good idea to stop
> fussing about what to call it, and focus instead on providing it...

Stevan Harnad

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