Open Repositories Conference: 2017 Scholarship Programme

The Open Repositories Steering Committee invites applications for the Open 
Repositories 2017 Scholarship Programme. Scholarships provide support for a 
small number of full registered places for the 2017 conference in Brisbane 
through a competitive application process. It is open to librarians, repository 
managers, developers, and researchers in digital repositories, open 
scholarship, and related fields. Applicants submitting a presentation proposal 
will be given priority consideration for funding. Please provide details of 
your submission in the application form.

Applicants will be asked, "What is it about Open Repositories that interests 
you/" and "What do you expect to gain from attending the conference?"
You may wish to prepare answers to these before completing the form as the 
responses to these will be critical to the success of your application.

Please note: the scholarship provides funding for a full conference 
registration only (including the conference banquet and poster reception). It 
does not cover other costs such as accommodation, travel, and subsistence. It 
is anticipated that the applicant's home institution will provide financial 
support to supplement the OR scholarship award.

Submit your application here:  by 31 
December 2016.

The Twelfth International Conference on Open Repositories is scheduled to take 
place June 26-30 in Brisbane, Australia. The theme this year is "Open: 
Innovation | Knowledge | Repositories."

We look forward to seeing you at OR2017!

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