Here is the text:

*The Vienna Declaration on the European Open Science Cloud*
Vienna, 23 November 2018

We, Ministers, delegates and other participants attending the launch event
of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC):
1. Recall the challenges of data driven research in pursuing excellent
science as stated in the “EOSC Declaration” signed in Brussels on 10 July
2. Reaffirm the potential of the European Open Science Cloud to transform
the research landscape in Europe. Confirm that the vision of the European
Open Science Cloud is that of a research data commons, inclusive of all
disciplines and Member States, sustainable in the long-term.
3. Recognise that the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud is
a process, not a project, by its nature iterative and based on constant
learning and mutual alignment. Highlight the need for continuous dialogue
to build trust and consensus among scientists, researchers, funders, users
and service providers.
4. Highlight that Europe is well placed to take a global leadership
position in the development and application of cloud services for Science.
Reaffirm that the European Open Science Cloud will be both European and
open to the world, reaching out over time to relevant global research
5. Recall that the Council - in its conclusions of 29 May 2018 - welcomed
the implementation roadmap and the federated model for the European Open
Science Cloud. It invited the Commission and all Member States to set up a
common governance framework that ensures participation of stakeholders from
the research community based on principles of transparency, openness and
inclusiveness and an effective involvement of all Member States.
6. Note that the 2018 EOSC Summit (held on 11 June 2018) called for
acceleration towards making the European Open Science Cloud a reality,
hinting at the need to further strengthen the ongoing dialogue across
institutions and with stakeholders, for a new governance framework to be
launched in Vienna, on 23 November 2018.

*We therefore:*
7. Resolve to harness the many ongoing and planned activities at EU and
Member States level to cooperate in establishing an inclusive partnership
with a view to developing the European Open Science Cloud as a federated
infrastructure that can enhance value-based, open, trusted, user-centric
digital services across borders within the Digital Single Market (DSM).
8. Invite all Member States, as well as public and private stakeholders in
Europe, to support actively this joint effort and the new European Open
Science Cloud governance structure for a successful implementation of the
9. Call for the European Open Science Cloud to provide all researchers in
Europe with seamless access to an open-by-default, efficient and
cross-disciplinary environment for storing, accessing, reusing and
processing research data supported by FAIR data principles.
10. Commit to support service provision for the European Open Science Cloud
by helping connecting relevant national and disciplinary nodes to the
pan-European level.
11. Reaffirm the potential of the European Open Science Cloud to enable
first-class data-driven science and to stimulate new business models
benefiting our society and the economy. Recognise that such services will
create opportunities for both public and private sectors, notably by
intensifying reuse of public sector information while preserving data
integrity, and ensuring access, transparency within and across borders.

*We therefore declare* to work together towards realising the potential of
the European Open Science Cloud for the benefit of citizens, society and
the economy.

[The Vienna EOSC Declaration was developed by Paolo Budroni, University of
Vienna, and Stefan Hanslik, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education,
Science and Research in close cooperation with the European Commission.]

*Further Details

Dr. Anup Kumar Das
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi - 110067, India
Twitter: @AannuuppK | @IndiaSTS
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