Plan S is the most ambitious OA initiative yet mooted by any public research
funder and has caused hand-wringing even amongst OA advocates. While some
have welcomed the initiative, others are critical. Yet others appear
decidedly conflicted
n-or-hell-how-about-giving-it-a-dispassionate-look/>  about it. 


To date, much of the public debate has focussed on the implications for
scientists. Yet the impact on Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) scholars
looks likely to be more profound. 


The implications for HSS journals and learned societies are of particular
concern, and there are real fears that the rules that will be applied to
journals (including compulsory CC BY) will be extended to books too - a move
that is felt would be entirely inappropriate. cOAlition S has yet to issue
guidance on this but has said that it plans to do so. To add to the concern,
earlier this year it was announced
<>  that to
be eligible for the 2027 REF long-form scholarly works and monographs will
have to be published OA. Monographs are key vehicles for HSS scholars to
communicate their research.


What is particularly frustrating for UK-based HSS scholars is that Plan S
looks set to rip up the settlement that was reached in the wake of the 2012
Finch Report
<> .
Wounds that had begun to heal will be re-opened. 


As Peter Mandler <> ,
Professor of Modern Cultural History at Gonville and Caius College,
Cambridge, puts it, "[I]t's as if we haven't had the five years of
post-Finch arguments! We're just going to have to have them all over again."


For a sense of the challenge Plan S poses for HSS scholars please read the
interview with Peter Mandler here:



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