(With apologies for cross-posting)

OASPA is holding the next in our series of free webinars on February 7th at
3pm GMT.

We are delighted to support Academic-Led Publishing Day
<https://academicledpublishingday.com/> with three world experts at the
forefront of publishing initiatives that promote Open Access and Open
Scholarship at institutions: Paul Ayris (Pro-Vice-Provost UCL Library
Services / Chief Executive UCL Press), Kathleen Shearer (Executive Director
of Confederation of Open Access Repositories, COAR) and Charles Watkinson
(Associate University Librarian for Publishing / Director, University of
Michigan Press).  Catriona MacCallum (Director of Open Science, Hindawi)
and Claire Redhead (Executive Director, OASPA) will chair the discussion.

Full details and information on how to register can be found on our website:


This event is free and open to everyone.


Claire Redhead
Executive Director
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, OASPA
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