Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that the full program of Elpub conference is now
complete and published. The conference will take place in Marseille,
France, 2-4 june 2019. *Early bird registration is open until the 30th of
April : *

The highlights of the conference are :

*3 workshops :*
--> on open access books (HIRMEOS project)
--> on funding open infrastructures (Invest in Open Infrastructure
--> on monitoring open science at national and sub-national level (Open
Science Barometer)
==> More :

*3 keynotes : *
--> Robert Cartolano (University of Columbia) : Sustaining an Open
Scholarly Ecosystem with Community-Based Open Source
--> Dominique Boullier (EPFL) : How circulation of books generates value
through replications in the digital and non digital worlds
--> Lucy Montgomery (Curtin University) : Don’t talk to me about metrics! I
write books!
==> More :

*3 special sessions :*
--> French Corner : how french e-infrastructures support open science in
--> Open Access Books : how to develop a European network to support open
access books
--> Supporting a vibrant market for Open Access publishers : Quality
assurance, bibliodiversity and the long tail of academic publishing

... and around *30 research and practitioner papers* carefully selected by
Elpub scientific committee presented in 7 exciting sessions !
==> More :

The conference will take place in the Palais du Pharo, one of the heritage
landmarks of the city of Marseille, built by Napoleon III for his wife
Empress Eugenie, overlooking Marseille harbor and the sea.
==> More :

Don't forget to register to benefit the early bird registration rate.

Elpub2019 is co-organized by a coalition of 6 french open scholarly
infrastructures  : OpenEdition, Huma-Num, Persée, INRIA, CCSD, Metopes.

Looking forward to meeting with you at Elpub2019 !

Pierre Mounier
Coordinator of OPERAS -
Associate Director for international development - OpenEdition

54, boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris
Bureau/Office A-435
Mob. +33 (0)6 61 98 31 86
Twitter : @piotrr70
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