Heather Morrison in a recent post voices her disappointment that none of
the journals of the Global Media Journal network nor the International
Journal of Communication are included in DOAJ because these journals  “are
fully open access, inclusive, have no publication charges, and are the
journals that {I} would recommend irrespective of OA and fee status”.

She is not the first to suggest that DOAJ is not inclusive enough.

In answer to this we want to remind everyone that DOAJ only includes high
quality Open Access journals that *fulfill the DOAJ **criteria* and which *have
applied* to be indexed. As a result many Open Access journals will not be
included if they do not meet the criteria or have not applied for inclusion
(see the post -
https://blog.doaj.org/2019/07/31/myth-busting-doaj-is-not-inclusive/ )

In the cases mentioned by Heather Morrison 3 of the 11 journals from the
Global Media Journal (GMJ) network have been accepted into DOAJ, but 8 are
no longer in DOAJ. The reasons for this are as follows:  6 did not reapply
for indexing; 2 did not supply information on essential criteria like Open
Access statement, licensing, copyright, APC information, peer reviewing or
editorial board and were therefore rejected for not meeting the new
criteria for indexing in DOAJ introduced back in 2014.  One of these
journals had not published any articles for more than one year.

Another 3 GMJ journals not mentioned by Heather were rejected for failing
to provide essential information in their websites (African, Mediterrenean,
Slovak editions).

In the case of the International Journal of Communication the journal was
also rejected because they did not meet the DOAJ criteria for inclusion.

We invite all these journals to apply again for inclusion in DOAJ if they
believe they now  comply with our criteria.

 DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ.ORG <http://doaj.org/> )
Lars Bjørnshauge
Managing Director

Tom Olijhoek PhD
Editor in Chief

Judith Barnsby
Senior Managing Editor
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