Dear all (and sorry for the cross-posting),

Some of you may have seen the paper published recently by COAR presenting a 
distributed framework for open publishing services called Pubfair 
 (version 2, after community input), also available in Spanish 

Pubfair is a conceptual model for a modular, distributed open source publishing 
framework, which builds on the content contained in the network of repositories 
to enable the dissemination and quality-control of a range of research outputs 
including publications, data, and more. 

This idea is not new. It is based on the vision outlined in the COAR Next 
Generation Repositories report <>  and builds 
on earlier conceptual models developed by Paul Ginsparg, Herbert Van de Sompel 
and others. And there are already overlay journals on arXiv, such as Discrete 
Analysis <> and Advances in Combinatorics 
<>, and other platforms 
such as Episcience <> in France, that 
demonstrate that this can be done at a very high level of quality, for a low 

We are proposing to expand on these initiatives by developing a highly 
distributed architecture for overlay services. With decentralization, comes 
tremendous power. It takes us beyond an environment with many silos, in which 
every organization maintains its own separate system; to a global, 
interoperable architecture for scholarly communication. This model can scale; 
respond to different needs and priorities related to language, region, and 
domain; and has the potential to set free scholarly communications.

To advance this vision, we need to develop the standards and protocols that 
define the relationships between content resources (articles, data, etc.) and 
peer reviews, assessment and other publishing services. To that end, COAR will 
be convening a meeting in mid-January 2020 with technical experts (and other 
parties already working on this) to develop and begin to profile the 
technologies and architecture that can bring this vision to reality.

We will share the outcomes of this meeting widely for community input, 
consideration and possible implementation. Please stay tuned!

Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) <>
GOAL mailing list

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