What can the open access / scholcomm communities do right now in light of 

First, go or stay home and do what you need to do to keep yourself, your family 
and communities safe. It is normal to need some time to absorb the massive 
social changes we are all going through, to figure out how to work from home if 
this isn't your current practice, to help your organization to adjust to 
providing service without a physical location.

When you have time to get back to a OA / scholcomm focus, my recommendation is 
to focus for now on OA to the most relevant materials and resources. If you 
have scholars whose work could help the fight to find vaccines or treatments or 
speed up production of needed equipment and supplies, it would be helpful to 
make this material OA if possible. Maybe someone in India, China, or Africa 
could build on this knowledge to create solutions that will help your community.

Many people are sharing links to free resources that can help people adjust to 
social distancing and isolation - free cultural resources, online workouts, 
etc. Thank you, that is a great idea and in the medium to long term will help 
people see the benefits of OA.

There will be a time for broader discussion of OA policy to be better prepared 
next time. In my opinion, the time for this will come in several months for 
those of us in North America and other places where the immediate need is to 
slow the spread of COVID-19. To help prepare for this phase, I have reposted 2 
related posts from The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics and their links 


Dr. Heather Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Ottawa

Professeur Agrégé, École des Sciences de l'Information, Université d'Ottawa

Principal Investigator, Sustaining the Knowledge Commons, a SSHRC Insight 




[On research sabbatical July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020]
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