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Dear [GOAL],

In strong resonance with Jean-Claude Guédon blog post, I draw your attention to 
this news piece published in Science magazine:



De : <> au nom de Bernie Folan <>
Répondre à : Global List <>
Date : mercredi 21 avril 2021 à 16:05
À : OASPA <>
Objet : [GOAL] New OASPA guest post by Jean-Claude Guédon: Scholarly 
Communication and Scholarly Publishing

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
*** with apologies for cross-posting ***

We have today published a new guest blog post by Jean-Claude 
 on the OASPA blog.

In this thoughtful and insightful post, Guédon explores how scholarly 
publishing should relate to scholarly communication. He posits that though 
aligned, publishing and communication have diverged and argues that journals 
and the concept of “version of record” are a legacy from print with some 
processes getting in the way of optimal scholarly communication and says that 
"now is the time to make some fundamental choices."

OASPA and Guédon welcome your comments on the blog and wide sharing of this 

The OASPA blog is a space for community engagement on issues related to open 
access and open research. We welcome thoughtful engagement and public debate in 
order to foster a transparent exchange of views, experiences and ideas between 
all those working in the open access ecosystem, with the overall aim of 
contributing to the global advancement of open access in a way that supports 
scholars and their institutions, and that gives voice to the whole spectrum of 
models and approaches within our membership and ultimately furthers our mission 
to advance open access and ensure a diverse, vibrant, and healthy open access 

Please get in touch if you are interested in publishing a guest post - please 
note, authors of guest blog posts must be willing to allow moderated comments 
on their post.

Best wishes,

Bernie Folan
Communications, Engagement and Outreach Manager, OASPA
OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association<>
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