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Goa's media: too many blind spots

By Frederick Noronha

If Goa's Press was a patient, a doctor called-in would probably
diagnose it both deaf and blind. What's worse, it's heart would
fail the test; while suffering from acute vertigo our media often
loses its sense of balance. Is this too pessimistic a view from
someone who has been part of the press in Goa for over two decades?

          In numerical terms, the press is vibrant. A small state
          of 1.4 million has three daily newspapers in the
          English-language, eight in the regional languages (of
          these one in Devanagari Konkani and the rest in Marathi,
          including Goa editions of outstation papers). It also has
          a myriad of other weeklies, just one English-language
          monthly (Goa Today).  Then, there are scores of irregular
          publications and souvenirs that are quick to make their
          presence felt -- like seasonal mushrooms -- specially
          when there's any promise of government largess looming on
          the horizon in the form of advertising.

It's not quality alone that matters. But even in numerical terms
itself, the growth of the media in the state can be questioned,
depending on how one views it. Daily circulation of all newspapers
combined totals around 200,000 copies. For a state of 1.4 million,
isn't this a small number? It would indicate that the media in Goa
-- with its heavy agenda of surface-level politics, Panjim-centric
reporting and a bit of sport -- isn't really touching the lives of
the vast majority of this state.

Even if half of Goa's households, roughly speaking, get a newspaper
at their home, does this call for complacency? It not only means
that the other half are left out, but also that most of Goa's
people are reading just one point of view and one newspaper. This,
of course, can be a fatal decision, given the manner in which the
media in the state gets polarised and takes sides over every little
issue, whether political or communal or linguistic or educational.

          Together with politicians, Goa's press is one of the few
          other forces in the state that is almost continually
          fanning communalism, even if mostly keeping it on the

If the English-language papers have to be a little circumspect in
what they put out -- after all, English-reading skills cut across
all sections of society -- those at the helm in some language or
script that only a section reads normally have a field day. Even
the English-language media does manage to send out subliminal
messages to one or the other section of a state that has long known
communal amity. Take the case of how an attempt to stoke up
passions in recent months by damaging two crosses in Ponda is
reported. Or the large amount of space devoted for continual
hate-speech by spokespersons of communal organisations on a regular


Nexus between politicians and journalists, both during the Congress
regimes and more so during the BJP times, is still awaiting a
deeper analysis. Manohar Parrikar's far larger-than-life public
image was largely a successful fallout of smart media manipulation.
That probably explains why he had to (in part, unnecessarily) take
so much flak after his departure, by a populace that felt
short-changed by a god with clay feet.

But then, a largely passive readership also enables newspapers to
suck up to the politicians in power, by finding just about any
reason to praise them. Haven't we seen government after government
being bestowed with lavish praise, only to then be quickly
criticised when they fall from power? If they are such great
performances, then why isn't Goa a paradise? On the other hand,
doesn't the media show signs of short-term memory loss, when it
comes to recalling all the many promises made by politicians?

          For ages, the media -- particularly on the
          English-language side -- has been stagnant in the state. 
          The last major paper to be launched, the Gomantak Times,
          came over a decade-and-half ago. It is only now that one
          can see some competition entering the market.

With the ownership of the Gomantak Times changing hands to the
Maharashtra-based Pawars, differences are visible. A Sujay
Gupta-edited Gomantak Times has undeniably made the media -- not
just the GT -- more outspoken. Goa's papers are showing some signs
of competition, and seem a little less willing to work under the
shadow of the Establishment. Yet, not all is fine. One can ask
whether the urge to "be outspoken" has not resulted in a trend
towards sensationalism, and trials-by-the-media.

Just as I write this piece, a friend, who has a never-say-die
attitude over the media in Goa, dashed across an email as the
clock's hands moved past midnight: "Our Press is showing signs of
growing independence. I was pleasantly surprised to see (one paper
carry) my letter ... (talking about corruption within the system)
... Why the hell do they change the writers emphasis, and fiddle
with concise relevant factual letters written in public interest?
TV channel GOA 365 is doing a better job than our local Press."

But there is another issue buried here: how long will this
"freedom" last?

Publication after publication has shown the reality of the media in
our state. As long as a newspaper is new, and needs the credibility
badly, it is willing to boldly speak out the truth. Once numbers --
and, more critically, ad revenue -- grow, then the situation fast
changes. It is then that the clamps come in.


Our media suffers from many ills. Foremost is the problem that few
are even willing to acknowledge this. Fortunately, with the Fourth
Estate now growing in size -- it is no more the chummy half-a-dozen
reporters monopoly of the early 'eighties -- there is a little more
self-criticism surfacing. That is a healthy trend.

One other severe issue to be faced up to is the closeness to the
seat of power -- regardless which government is in power, though
the BJP has to be credited with outdoing in four years the
one-and-half decade of Congress rule. (A new trend showing up is
the way in which some who were close to the earlier regime have
managed to speedily build bridges with the new government, and
suck-up to it, without missing a step.)

In one more comical reflection of this reality, politicians cutting
across party lines often confuse the concept of the 'Fourth Estate'
with the three arms of government. Just listen to what legislator
after legislator has to say while speaking in assembly debates.
It's the job of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary to
govern. Media are not the fourth arm of government; and shouldn't
be treated as such. The term Fourth Estate comes from a totally
differing concept, and refers to the press, both in its explicit
capacity of advocacy and in its implicit ability to frame political
issues. The term goes back at least to Thomas Carlyle. The term
Fourth Estate also has more infrequently referred to the
proletariat in opposition to the three recognized estates (kings,
lords and commons) of the French Ancien RĂ©gime.

If we want to find a way out, we need to ask: where do the problems
stem from?

Newpaper managements, for the most, tend to lack vision and prefer
to cosy up to those in power. Their other failings are a clear lack
of vision, and a tendency to copy others.

          One of Goa's biggest woes as of now is that local papers
          are hardly local. Take a look at the English-language
          newspapers, and see the amount of space devoted to local
          issues. It's insignificant. Resultantly, much of Goa
          remains unconvered by the media. It has been this
          writer's long-held view that, inspite of Goa's supposed
          affluence, we remain an state covered in

Goa's Marathi and Konkani papers tend to be marginally better. They
mostly ignore global issues, but their coverage of Goa remains
scanty, covered as it is largely with small, breaking-news-oriented
stories. Together goes a diet of heavy coverage of the political
world, and sometimes with a close partisan stand. It is not
surprising that a handful of journalists have themselves tried
their hand at becoming politicians. Mostly unsucessfully,


Local newspapers like to imagine that they are Goa editions of
"national" newspapers. There are a number of arguments being put
forward to justify such a position. Some focus on the changing
demography of the reader in Goa, and the need to 'think broader'.
Maybe the local newspaper proprietors' policy of favouring bringing
in editors from out-of-state implies that most, the rare exception
apart, is unlikely to understand Goa in a hurry. So, while we may
be doing a third rate job of covering the rest of the country,
we're failing in our basic agenda -- covering Goa itself.

Both editors and journalists have only ourselves to blame; in some
cases, it's a systemic failing. Stagnancy has long been rife in
Goa's newspapers; for that you can blame both a lack of
opportunity, going side-by-side with fairly enhanced salaries which
tempt you to stay on (in some, not all, publications). Clearly, the
media has failed in its social responsibility of agenda-setting in
a manner that helps Goa go ahead, rather than just tail-along
behind lobbies and politicians, or play divisive games merely with
an eye on boosting circulation.

Journalists in Goa have thrived on government largess, both at the
individual level and collectively, failing to acknowledge that
there is no such thing as a free meal.
          One section of Goa's media have long been steadfastly
          -- pro-government whichever the government in power. They
          have been willing to accept the official word for it, to
          project each successive government as god's gift to Goa
          (if that's the case, why do we still have so many
          problems to grapple with?) and pretend as if grandious
          statements from officialdom or the political class equals
          actual achievement. On the other hand, there is also a
          skeptical section within the media, but they are far
          smaller and their voice has been muted through a number
          of different ways. Ask the many who have chosen to
          function like journalists-in-exile....

At our starkly modest but yet independent unofficial press club --
Cafe Prakash in the heart of Panjim, where journos meet up each
evening, thank goodness we don't have to depend on officialdom for
this too -- there was some angst while introspection over where we
err. One middle-aged journo quoted a senior as saying Goa's
journalism is mostly pressnote-centric and press conference-based.
True. We are all to blame for what's going wrong. What about
readers who don't challenge or question media's abuse of the faith
placed in them?

          For a start, we need to understand what are the areas of
          concern in Goa's media. Besides not having enough space
          for Goa, the papers here are unresponsive to the needs of
          the citizen. Pro status quoist journalism doesn't serve
          Goa, nor help to find a solution to the many trials its
          citizens face in their daily lives.

In a world where advertising dominates, and cover prices have not
kept up with rising costs, the reader can be taken even further for
granted. Facing severe competition from the outstation press,
including market-leaders dumped at incredibly low prices, the media
in Goa finds it tough to fight back. This is not a justification
for the state of affairs; it is merely a description of what goes.

          There's not enough space in newspapers to echo either the
          diversity of Goa, or specialist opinion from people who
          have something to say on issues ranging from education to
          health, sports, agriculture, music or culture.

In October 2003, around a score of journalists wrote 20 essays on
the state of the media in Goa. Those in the field had their own
interesting stories to tell. From how journalism worked in the
'sixties, to a senior outstation journalist's view of journalism.

There were chapters on the promising papers that failed -- the West
Coast Times and Novem Goem, in particular. From then to the
'eighties, when the Herald came on the scene, amidst tales of
intrigue, potential and failed promises. One chapter looked at the
step-motherly treatment Goa's media gives to rural Goa. 

When viewed from down-up, as one proof reader's story recorded it,
the media also have their own visible warts and serious short
comings. Free-sheeters -- the ad-supported newspapers distributed
free of cost, which some see as tending to be PR (public relations)
oriented, have opened up a new ball game in Goa, and these get
described too. 

          How do journalists from outside look at the media in Goa?
          Has Konkani journalism failed its readers? Does Romi
          Konkani hold out a promise still? What ails police
          reporting? What are the strengths and weaknesses of
          sports journalism? How does it feel to transition from
          journalist to publisher, and what are the perils
          involved? These issues and more are discussed in this
          book, which is available for download from Project
          Gutenberg on the Internet. See

Over recent months, we've seen growing competition in the
English-language media. (Marathi has had this coming for some time
now, including the arrival of plush new publications whose source
of funding and political links remain a barely-hidden secret.) Will
this improve quality, or will we just be seeing more of the same?
Goa's reader deserves better.

The writer has been in journalism since 1983, and can be contacted
via email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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