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Young coaches eager to prove a point


MARGAO SEPT 18: They are just thirty six. An age when some
of their former playing colleagues are still active and playing
the game at the highest level. They quit the game a couple of
season back. They are new entrants to coaching arena. They
have enormous task and responsibility ahead as the Goa professional
league kicks off later today (Sunday, September 18, 2005).

The big guns will be gunning for the two clubs with whom
these coaches are associated. Will they be able to pull of a
few upsets and turn the apple cart of their famed rivals top-tursy?
Coaching was the next step to keeping them engrossed with the
game that has given them a name and made them a recognizable face
in Goa's football fraternity.

Raia Sporting Club's Ajay Acharya and MPT Sports Council
coach Camilo Baptista  are the new guns on the coaching
horizon aiming for new talent and grooming young Goan footballers
for the bigger challenges and plotting on the drawing boards
for their respective teams.

Navelim-based Ajay Acharya started his football career
with Rosary High School, from his home-village. Former
international and a former defender Hercules Gomes, Ajay's
next-door neighbour had the greatest influence on Ajay's
football career.

          Ajay grew up emulating Hercules' style of play 
          and  his mannerism on the football field. It
          was but natural for Ajay to take up his idol's
          position as a defender in any team he joined.

Ajay's first destination was Salcete Football Club. A club
which has played a surrogate mother for numerous great
footballers from Goa. He then hopped over to now defunct
Anderson Marine.

Ajay next moved to Orkay Mills Mumbai, another now-defunct
club. A move which Ajay says was on the advice of his mentor
Hercules. A move which he feels was in the right direction.

This move opened doors to a wider world for Ajay. Air India
coach Bimal Ghosh, the shrewd tactician who had have groomed
many a raw talent, molded him to be a regular player with
the team of India's national carrier.

"Bimal Ghosh has made a lasting impression on my football,
career not to forget Hercules. GFA secretary Savio Messais
too has given me the right opportunity after completing my
C-license," says Ajay with humility.

Ajay then came to Dempo Sports Club and then finished
his playing days with Fransa Pax Football Club. Ajay,
till recently, was playing with the junior boys and some of
the senior pros like Chandrakant Naik for the Navelim
inter-village team.

Benaulim-based Camilo Baptista started from his village
team and got awarded with a place in the then first
division outfit Agassaim Youth Club. Late Fernando Abranches,
Agassaim coach, could keep the defender-cum-midfielder for
just one season and the next 13 years saw the robust Camilo
remaining a faithful soldier of MPT SC.

Marcus Pacheco, Raimond Carvalho and Carlos Gomes are
the MPT coaches he has played under. Incidentally Camilo
replaces Carlos Gomes who was coach at MPT till last season.
Carlos incidentally was replaced after a new set of office
bearers of the sports committee took over midway into the season.

Camilo Baptista's football instincts and talents remain
unfulfilled at his school, Loyola's Margao. He kicked off
his football with Damodar College Margao, where he completed
his graduation.

His coaching career started with his training of the
Under 15 team of his village club Cana Benaulim Sporting
Association, that was five years back. Since then the
passion and challenges of coaching a team has ignited the
fire of success and the challenge has motivated him to
greater heights to be conquered in coaching.

          "Coaching a team is a challenge. It is completely
           different aspect if one compares a player's playing
           career and a coaching career," he says matter of factly.

Camilo will have a first feel of the senior level as he takes
over MPT. MPT has some of his colleagues like Vishant Pednekar,
Jeetrendra Bhise, Shaikh Aboo, and Lino Perieira to name a few,
who till recently where his playing mates and now relate to
him as their new coach, presiding over their destiny.

It should not be a problem, as the senior pros are generally
seen as cooperative in designing plots for the downfall
of their rival teams.

          At Raia, Ajay too has one of his former Air India
          colleague, goalkeeper-turned-striker Raimond Cardozo,
          playing for Raia Sporting Club.

Time will tell whether the two have arrived on the scene or
whether they are just a flash in the pan and whether they are
ready for the bigger challenges of Indian football. The Goan
professional football league fortunes will put them under the
scanner. It will be the acid test for the two young guns on
the coaching front. Stay tuned in...


Armstrong Vaz is a South Goa based journalist, working for the
Gomantak Times. 

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