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The power to say No

by V. M. de Malar

It's a cornerstone of freedom, the central and crucial aspect of free
will, the final determinant of a democratic system. It is always
powerful when a community or people has the ability to affirm its will
and choice, it is even more meaningful when the people can properly
exercise its right of refusal.

The simple power to say no, we in Goa are gripped in a struggle right
now that will establish whether we really are a free people with
attendant rights and privileges. If we fail, make no mistake, it will
demonstrate once and for all that our system is irretrievably broken,
that special interests have corrupted our democracy completely.

All in all, it has a been a good couple of weeks for people power in
Goa after several months of unremitting bad news. Just a few weeks
ago, it looked as though the illegal plunder of our hills and coastal
lands was going to continue unchecked, no matter what the cost to our
environment and living fabric of society. 

We were forced to watch, mute and powerless, as age-old village rights
were grotesquely perverted and hundreds of thousands of metres of
community lands in Assagao were targeted for vast development. 

          Just a few weeks ago, it appeared as though the land mafia
          and its capos in the legislature had managed to get 
          a stranglehold in development in Goa via a brutal 

But today, it all looks considerably different. Group ire and
collective disgust has led various sections of society to rediscover
their backbones, to raise voices in public, to stand up and be counted
at this crucial time of transition in Goa. 

Individuals in our midst have demonstrated that they will protest the
defilement of our democratic process, and fill the jails if necessary to
make their point, and that point is that we must have the right to say
enough is enough. 

We must have the power to say no, we must have the right to defend each
hillock and coconut grove from the bulldozers, we cannot allow our
democratic process to be so perverted that we become powerless.

Goa is in sore need of so many things right now, we are at the mercy
of a political class with dwarfish stature and crudely venal

We need a sophisticated tourism plan for Goa to help shape the ongoing
tourism tsunami in manner a that preserves what is special, but all we
have is unplanned anarchy and widespread illegality all the way up and
down our coastline. 

We need a modern infrastructure, we need a better road network, we need
to tackle this maddening garbage problem once and for all, but we get
nothing but inaction, irresponsibility, and meaningless platitudes.

But first of all we need to know that our fundamental rights have not
disappeared, that the democracy we have fought for is still intact.
Because it is not difficult to gauge the public mood; we have no
patience for Ingo Grill's Assagao fantasy and particularly cannot
accept the way the permissions were granted. 

On the ordinance that has now been tabled until the beginning of next
year, the decision of the people is equally unambiguous. It is no on
both counts, these insults cannot be tolerated. It is now up to us to
make sure the system works, that this decision is affirmed and accepted
and executed by our elected representatives and by our political system.

This is a crucial period in Goa's history. 

Our lands, our living heritage, our intricate culture, all are at great
risk as never before, our homeland is under tremendous pressure. Demand
for what we have, everything we have, has never been greater. We have to
act to preserve and maintain even as we remain open to growth and

If we don't, the Goa we recognize will be wiped out in a generation, the
Goa our ancestors cherished and maintained for centuries will disappear.
As a people, we have to pay close attention at all times, we have to be
our own watchdogs. There are plenty of things we can accept, but every
now and then, it's very important to fully exercise the power to say no.
VM is an old-time Goanetter, now resettled back in Goa Email:

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