The First Goan President

by V. M. de Malar
vmingoa at

Toni Morrison was wrong. In a famous 1998 essay in the New Yorker magazine, 
the Nobel Prize-winning African-American writer declared about Bill 
Clinton; "white skin notwithstanding, this is our first black President." She 
wrote at the end of a long, hot, summer of intrigue and skullduggery in 
Washington D.C, when the beleaguered second-term President stood vulnerable, 
at a time when the Arkansas-born outsider to elite politics was most isolated 
and vulnerable. Her insight was precise; Clinton's nose was quite obviously 
being rubbed in the dirt as a kind of punishment, less for minor peccadilloes 
than for being uppity. He threatened a part of the establishment; it 
retaliated with no holds barred.

But Morrison was wrong, because it's amply clear to all true Goans that Bill 
Clinton is one of us, a regular rice-and-fish-curry guy with a penchant for 
siestas, a sax-playing, visibly sincere, churchgoer with a helpless eye for 
the ladies, a man who looks like he'd fit quite suitably on a roaring Enfield 
Bullet as ferryside motorcycle pilot. That garrulousness is so familiar with 
the accompanying twinkle in the eye, that touching neediness, that community-
minded solicitousness, that urge to sing loudest in the choir, and then also 
the inability to say no, the eagerness to please and charm, and the comfort 
with people of all ages.

We've heard all about Hope, Arkansas, we know about Georgetown, Yale, Oxford, 
and the governor's mansion in Little Rock. We're not naive; we've registered 
Chappaqua and Harlem and tracked the Iowa polls for Hillary in 2008. Still, we 
Goans recognize one of our own and we've known it ever since he burst onstage 
with a saxophone, he is clearly the first Goan President. And so we're busting 
out the real home-made stuff from the backwoods for today's toasts; it's a 
triumphant weekend homecoming to Goa for amcho Bill Clinton.

Look at him, it's a wonder we didn't figure it out earlier. Is he unashamedly 
gluttonous in our typical manner? Check. Does he look like he takes siestas 
every time he gets the chance, like he can't wait to hit the pillow again? 
Does he, in fact, have the manner of your retired uncle ,who hasn't worn a 
belt for twelve years, and whose remaining life goal is to never change out of 
his pyjamas? Check, check. Does he look like the most sincere guy during 
prayers, even if he's been carousing all night before, all closed-eyes ecstasy 
and ostentatious singing? Check. Ladies man, check. Affinity for urrak?

We'll have to check.

Amcho Bill is in the same rough mould as Goa's home-grown politicians, who 
display plenty of what we euphemistically call "character", even as they lack 
Clinton's unstinting work-ethic, ambition, marvellous erudition and world-
class education, drive, empathy, spellbinding and stem-winding oratory skills, 
once-in-a-generation charisma, sheer policy genius, profound analytical powers 
and superb political instincts. Okay, we did say rough mould, our guys are no-
hit wonders and he's Elvis, the King, but let's not get distracted from the 
point we're trying to make.

Goans have always loved larger-than-life figures, wherever they're from. Long 
before Clinton, for example, we loved Kennedy with a kind of passion that 
would shock Americans if they ever understood it, more intense than other 
places because of our peculiar and uniquely lengthy history of profound 
cultural exchange with the West. President Clinton might be amused to learn 
that the brother of one of our very senior politicians is named Kennedy, that 
there are literally dozens of Kennedys running around in our small state.

There's Reagans too, this is a bi-partisan phenomenon (plus Hitlers and 
Mussolinis and Stalins, we'll not mention those to the Yanks). And there are 
Clintons, a whole passel of little Clintons scurrying around our small state. 
It's red meat to the Republicans if you think about it, scores of kids bearing 
that name, just imagine what that "vast right wing conspiracy" would have done 
with the info in those days of Kenneth Starr's ridiculously overblown witch-
hunt. Like then, its lots of smoke with no fire, the kiddies are evidence only 
that we loved the forty-second President of the USA. A hearty welcome to Goa, 
Bill Clinton, we hope you have a great weekend here. (ENDS)

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: VM is an early Goanetter, who put his money where his mouth 
is and returned to settle-down in Goa in late 2004, while in his thirties. VM 
regularly writes for the Goa and Mumbai media.

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