Happy Birthday: St Britto's, which is 60 years old. Celebrations at St
Jerome's Church Mapusa 11 am on July 30, 2006. Football match Loyola's
vs. Britto's 11 am on July 31, 2006 at the school grounds.

Goa News from Yahoo! News and Goanet.org

Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Chess: (NDTV)

For the first time, India will host the Individual World Chess Championship 
for the Blind in Goa in October. In fact, this is the first time that the 
competition is being conducted outside Europe.

Chess tourney in Goa&id=29556

*** Goa allots land for pharma, biotech SEZs (Business Standard India)

Goa Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) has allotted more than 12 lakh 
sq mt land for a pharma special economic zone (SEZ) at Keri in Ponda taluka, 
and another 6 lakh-plus sq mt for biotech parks.


*** CBI traces U.K. address of Ravi Shankaran (The Hindu)

It came to know of the address after proclamation proceedings began


*** Kalasa-Banduri work to start in October (The Hindu)

State Government ignores ecological concerns raised by Goa


*** Cucumber feast in Goan church to beget children (New Kerala)

By Devraj, Velha (Goa) : In a unique tradition, the origins of which remain 
unknown, thousands of childless couples offer cucumbers at a fourth century 
church in Goa, in the hope of being blessed with a child.


*** Karnataka to begin work on Kalasa Bandori project in October (New Kerala)

Bangalore: Rejecting Goa's objections, the Karnataka government has decided to 
launch work on the Kalasa Bandori irrigation project in October. "It is our 
land and our water. We will take up the project to utilise our share of water.


*** Goa witnesses 2,918 unnatural deaths in 3 yrs (Navhind Times)

Panaji, July 29: Previous rivalry has been the main motive for murders in the 
state with the Goa police registering 17 such cases out of the total 125 
murders witnessed in the state since 2003.


*** Goa to make available vegetables and pulses at affordable price (India 

The Goa government will initiate steps to make available the vegetable, pulses 
and other essential commodities at a reasonable price, the State Assembly was 
informed today.


*** SpiceJet to add two aircraft, five new flights from October
(India Daily)

Low-cost carrier SpiceJet today said it would launch services to five new 
sectors from October with the addition of two new Boeing 737-800 aircraft to 
its fleet. The flights to the new sectors, include Delhi-Varanasi, Ahmedabad-
Goa via Mumbai and Hyderabad-Bangalore, SpiceJet said in a release here.


*** Third-class governance can't give first-class response to
terrorism(Yahoo! India News)

By the end of 2003, we were being told that our agencies had neutralised over 
160 ISI modules - counting only those outside Jammu and Kashmir and the 
Northeast. Since then, up to July 11,
2006, again counting only those outside Jammu and Kashmir and
the Northeast, another 75 modules are reported to have been
neutralized. These are substantial achievements - we can imagine
how many more deaths 


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