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V. M. de Malar

Just when we needed it, three luminous young musicians
brought pride and hope back to our beleaguered homeland.
We've been brooding about evil recently, as a stunned
populace comes to terms with the sordid Surlakar murder in
what the police now call "a broader conspiracy" that led some
of our brightest kids to fatally turn on a best friend.

The lament is that we've abandoned wholesome values,
destroyed the student-teacher bond, given up on hard work to
pursue instant gratification. All of this is undoubtedly
true, but there is more. For it, we need look no further than
the concert at Kala Academy on the August 23, when Sanya
Cotta, Joanne d'Mello and Andrea Fernandes lit up the

"This is as good as it gets in India," said Bal Mundkur, who
has been deeply involved with classical music in this country
for the last 50 years, "given time, each can be world class
if they keep working."

Rui Lobo, founder-member of the excellent Goa Guitar Guild
was even more expansive, "to see three musicians of such high
standard come of age at the same time says something about
Goa. There is hope, we have great potential that needs to be

It was this sentiment that suffused the atmosphere, as the
musicians performed works by Dvorak, Paganini, Beethoven and
others, as dozens of children sat entranced as these
homegrown role-models demonstrated the heights which can be
scaled right here in Goa.

          Like the others, Andrea Fernandes started music
          lessons early, from the age of five. After
          relocating to Goa from the Gulf, in 1998, and under
          the careful tutelage of Margarida Miranda, honours
          have come one after another.

Highest marks in India at the Trinity College of Music exams.
Distinction in the Performer's Certificate. And further
excellence at the Escola de Musica do Conservatorio Nacional
in Lisbon.

Piano is a crowded, highly competitive field in classical
music, but you can bet on the success of this personable
young woman. At Kala Academy, she deftly executed a difficult
Mozart Sonata among other pieces, fingers flashing and
pony-tail swishing back and forth, a serious musician though
just twenty-one.

Joeanne d'Mello, the poised soprano with a stunningly pure
voice that raises goosebumps, is so good at everything that
even her mother admits that she's "special."

Standout college science student, top-ranking NCC cadet who
represented Goa at the Republic Day Parade, winner of the
prestigious All India Voice Competition. She trained from an
early age with Juliana D'Sa.

The sky is the limit for Joanne, in the music world or not,
she's the kind of all-rounder who will achieve anything she
sets her heart on. But there is the undeniable fact that
she's exceptionally gifted at music, with a voice that will
grow bigger as she matures but already has a magical,
lingering quality that's beautifully showcased by charming
stage presence and assured delivery.

          And Sanya Cotta, an improbably compact dynamo whose
          extraordinary mastery of her instrument brings to
          mind prodigious young champions like the teenage
          Diego Maradona or the even younger Tiger Woods. 
          What stage presence, what a personality.

She squares those slender shoulders, and music simply
explodes from her shuddering violin, fiendishly intricate
compositions executed with tremendous flair and musicianship.
Barely out of her teens, she's a headline act already,
nurturing her talent at the Music University of Nuremberg
after years of training with Myra Shroff. We'll be hearing
from her for a long time to come.

At the end of the concert, bathing in the applause of an
grateful audience, the three girls took a long bow with their
three teachers, a poignant moment with generations of
striving sharing the stage with a trio of unlimited, bright

In a Goa that has recently been all dark cloud, this was
silver lining. We needed a reminder of what is still
possible. We needed to restore some balance, to dream again,
to hope again.

Kudos to Margarida, Myra and Juliana for nurturing these
dreams. And a special, whole-hearted thank you to Andrea,
Joanne and Sanya, for reminding us that hope is alive. Good
luck as you go on to conquer new horizons. Goa is really
proud of you.

VM de Malar, a Goanetter since 1995, now lives in Goa. 

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