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By Dominic Fernandes

Widespread riots have broken out in Kampala - the capital of Uganda.
Indians and Indian property have been targeted on a unprecedented

Two Indians have been reported killed by violent mobs, while two
Ugandans have been shot by security forces trying their best to
control the violence.

Increasing resentment against the very prosperous Hindu Indian
community seems to have finally burst out -- with frustrated
unemployed youth going on a rampage against Indian property. This
resentment has been building up from the last few years with Indians
controlling a large part of the post-Obote II Ugandan economy with
many people seeing the Indians as greedy businessmen eager to line
their pockets at any cost!

The final straw was the encroachment by the Indian business family The
Mehtas on the eco treasure, the Mabira Forests, for sugar plantations.
Mabira is one of the last remaining patches of natural forests and
almost all Ugandans are upset with this give away by the government.

The Indians are unfortunately being seen as supporters of an
increasingly unpopular , anti-environment, only interested in
exploiting Ugandan resources to line their pockets.

Unfortunately,  the common Indian on the streets, who has nothing to
do with the Mehta family, or their devious plans, is being persecuted
and made to pay a heavy price for the greed of some Indians.

The Indians of Kampala are today  stunned by the Anti-indian hatred
spewed by the average Ugandan, whom we always considered to be gentle,
well mannered and soft spoken.

Unfortunately Indians seem to have become the Jews of Uganda,
immensely rich and immensely hated.

Most Indian organisations have closed for the day, and Indians have
been advised to keep indoors -- security has been stepped up with
Indian business men hiring shot-gun armed guards and bracing for more
attacks, reminiscent of the Kristallnicht pogroms of the Nazis.

The military police have been deployed with armoured cars moving about
in central Kampala. It is difficult to move around to get pictures
since I am an Asian, and fear being attacked.

Reports say that the Hindu temple in Kampala has been attacked this morning.

Investor confidence was only just beginning to pickup in the last few
years with the international community being assured of relative calm
and stability 20 years after the end of the Amin terror and the chaos
of the 1980-85 civil war.

These attacks can have serious consequences on the economic situation
of the country already suffering from severe power shortages and
endemic corruption a large scale exodus of Indian capital may leave a
serious vacumn which will not be filled very easily or quickly .

With the common wealth summit poised for November this year, the
Ugandan authorities will need to work over time to prove to the
investor community that the country is not headed to repeat history !

Dominic Fernandes
Kampala, Uganda
12 April 2007.
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