Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Is Parrikar responsible for BJP's loss in Margao?

By Nilesh Khandeparkar
Weekender, June 10, 2007

PANJIM: Now that the dust of the elections has settled and
introspection set in, it seems that the BJP top brass
consistently ignored danger signals emanating from Margao.
With the passage of time, these problems piled up and the net
result was that the BJP's sworn rival Digamber Kamat could
laugh his way to victory in Goa's commercial capital. So,
what went wrong? And what were these danger signals? And,
more importantly, is the BJP alone to be blamed for losing Margao?

The story starts with the entry of Sharmad Raiturkar in the
Margao electoral arena in the year 2005. He is touted to be
the blue-eyed boy of BJP supremo Manohar Parrikar who pulled
him out of obscurity -- Sharmad was a Mumbai-based
cinematographer -- and pitchforked him against the Margao
strong-man Digamber Kamat.

That was at the height of the anti-Digamber wave widely
prevalent in Margao during the by-elections held in the year
2005. Much as the BJP would like others to believe that
Sharmad was the RSS choice, facts indicate that it did not
play a major role as is being portrayed to the masses.

Sharmad suddenly found himself in the limelight. But,
reliable sources in the BJP -- miffed over the importance
given to Sharmad -- categorically stated off the record that
the first choice to contest the Margao seat was Margao BJP
Mandal chief Navnath Khandeparkar.


Sources also indicate that the BJP leadership had
commissioned the services of a Pune-based professional agency
to conduct a survey to judge the prospects of Sharmad and
Navnath. The Pune-based surveyors preference and conclusion
was clear -- that Navnath, being a social worker and given
his association with cultural organisations would be a better
bet as compared to Sharmad.

Parrikar thought otherwise. He rubbished the recommendations
of the survey and cast his lot in favour of his blue-eyed boy
Sharmad. Although Parrikar had a one-to-one meeting with
Navnath to explain the unfolding situation, it only ended up
alienating Navnath, who, sources say, is yet to recover from
this slight, although he still works for the BJP with a
"square face". All this was denied by Sharmad when GT spoke
to him. "I have no idea of this Pune-based survey you are
talking about and am not aware of the names you have quoted,"
he said.

That's not all. The sudden move to cast Sharmad against the
veteran Digamber Kamat raised the heckles of all BJP MLAs.
They wanted a hard-core BJP loyalist Rupesh Mahatme to replace
Sharmad. However, given the fear Parrikar evokes among the
BJP MLAs, not one of them had the guts to raise their voice
in favour of Mahatme. Sharmad again denied all this. "I am
not aware of any such BJP MLAs," he remarked.


One of the reasons why Sharmad's name invited scorn among all
BJP MLAs was his unfettered access to Parrikar. Sources speak
how Sharmad could just pick up his mobile and speak to
Parrikar -- a luxury even senior party workers, office bearers
and MLAs are denied. "Parrikar has only one number and even
you can contact him on this number. Apart from this, I did
not have any special access to Parrikar," quipped Sharmad in

It seems that Sharmad had the backing of a small coterie at
the state level which is fiercely loyal to Parrikar -- and
this was the only point which worked in Sharmad's favour.
What also invited the ire of BJP MLAs was just how Mahatme's
claims were ignored over those of a rookie Sharmad. That
Sharmad lost what was billed as the mother of all
by-elections is history. But the seeds of a conflict were
sown -- the harvest of which was reaped in the
recently-concluded Assembly elections.


Parrikar only added fuel to the fire when he again declared
Sharmad's name to contest from Margao. This time, the BJP
loyalists decided enough was enough. Unable to bear the
humiliation any longer and egged on by the covert support of
a host of BJP MLAs.

Rupesh Mahatme raised a banner of revolt. But this did not
happen overnight. Reliable insiders reveal that Navnath
Khandeparkar had warned Parrikar of Mahatme's impending
decision and had requested Parrikar to speak to the later.

This was when Parrikar had openly begun to sideline Mahatme
and unabashedly courting Sharmad. Sources also say that
Parrikar toured Margao along with Sharmad by keeping Mahatme
completely in the dark. "I cannot give any explanation to
what Parrikar does. Whenever he wants to discuss anything, he
has the habit of taking the concerned person on a drive in
his car. Moreover, if any BJP worker plans work schedule and
invites Parrikar, he comes. You cannot blame Parrikar if some
people do not want to work yet want Parrikar to visit them,"
said Sharmad.

But, nevertheless, Navnath wanted Parrikar to console Mahatme
and Navnath made his mind clear to Parrikar in this
connection. Acting on Navnath's recommendations, Parrikar
indeed summoned Mahatme to Panjim many times but gave evasive
replies which only ended up alienating Mahatme further. And
when BJP's official list of candidates was out, a furious
Mahatme faxed his resignation.


That did the trick. A visibly shaken but an overconfident
Parrikar rejected Mahatme's rejection and offered him a deal
-- that on assuming power, Mahatme would be "properly
rehabilitated" in lieu of his silence during the Assembly

It seems that Parrikar also admitted to Mahatme that the
BJP's organisation in Margao would "collapse" in case Mahatme
quits the party. A completely alienated but BJP loyalist
Mahatme kept quiet but refused to work for the BJP in Margao.
What Sharmad was left with were a handful of amateur workers
who went along with him for canvassing during the elections,
say sources. "The vote share of the BJP in Margao has not
decreased. BJP voters do not change if any leader quits the
organisation. Regarding Mahatme, I had no time to examine as
to whether he campaigned or not. I was busy in my campaign,"
stated Sharmad.


That sent out a completely wrong message. Voters in Margao
were now convinced that Sharmad had lost support among the
core BJP supporters and sympathisers, not to speak of the BJP
leaders as well.

Parrikar got this feedback from his loyalist in the Margao
unit of the BJP and read the writing on the wall. Knowing
that Margao had almost fallen in the lap of his sworn rival
Digamber Kamat, a fuming Parrikar toned down the election
campaign in Margao and instead concentrated on other
constituencies. Margao was billed as an "unwinnable
constituency" in BJP circles. The net result was that Sharmad
lost miserably.


Now, as Parrikar has led the BJP to a convincing defeat in
the Assembly elections, knives are out for him, at least in
Margao, and among some BJP MLAs who are clamouring for a
change in leadership.

They want a fresh face to take over. This demand gets louder
among the BJP cadres, office bearers and BJP loyalists in
Margao. Sharmad gave vague hints that there might be a
section of BJP workers in Margao that are demanding
Parrikar's removal from the helm of affairs.

"I don't think this is happening. At least, we are not doing
this," said Sharmad, which indirectly means that there are
"others" who might be "doing this" (clamouring for Parrikar's
removal). Sharmad however was quick to add, "Parrikar is the
only person who can save Goa from the mess that Goa is in
present condition."

In so far as Sharmad is concerned, it seems to be the end of
the road for him -- politically, at least! But he denies it.
And the door of the Margao constituency seems to be firmly
shut on the BJP -- for the time being, at least -- entirely
due to its own folly!
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