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...so, you got us on the cheap!

By Mervyn Maciel

          Text of a speech by Mervyn Maciel in response to a
          speech by Sir John Johnson (former British High
          Commissioner in Kenya. At the River & Rowing
          Museum, Henley-on-Thames, Oxford on 10.8.2002.

Sir John, Ma Bibi na Ma Bwana (Ladies and Gentlemen in

Just in case Swahili scholars among you are expecting me to
continue in this fashion, I'm afraid the answer is "Siwezi
kuendelea Bwana" (I'm unable to continue, Sir!)

Many months ago, Terence Gavaghan insisted that I keep this
date free, and attend as his and Nicole's guests unless, of
course, we had received a prior invitation from Buckingham
Palace. Since the latter hasn't materialised, Elsie and I are
delighted to join you all at this lovely setting today --
thanks to Terry.

          My thanks also to Peter Fullerton who first invited
          me to join this elitist club. As my cheque hasn't
          been returned with those words every District
          Cashier dreaded, "refer to drawer", I assume I am a
          member now. Why we, former members of the
          Administration were excluded from membership for
          nearly 30 years is something I find difficult to
          understand. You obviously have your reasons, but
          with so few of us in the U.K., I can assure you,
          you wouldn't have been swamped, nor there any
          danger of a takeover bid.

I must thank Sir John for his generous remarks regarding the
Goan contribution in the Provincial Administration.

Unfortunately, our contribution in he Civil Service, more
particularly the Provincial Administration, although verbally
acknowledged in speeches by former Governors, senior
officials and even politicians, has only recently, save with
a few exceptions, merited a mention in some of the published works.

I make no apology for highlighting the Goan contribution,
especially since the majority of posts in the Provincial
Administration (particularly those of Cashier), were filled
almost exclusively by Goans.

Even job advertisements in those days asked for Goan staff,
much to the annoyance of the other Asian communities, as can
be seen from the comments made by that distinguished Queens
Counsel, J.S. Mangat. In telling how Goans, in particular,
dominated the Provincial Administration, he cites Sir Charles
Eliot, who, in an official report in 1901, had this to say:

          The District Officers were usually assisted by a
          Goan or more rarely, European clerk. In the Coast
          towns, there is also a Customs official, usually a
          Goan. Even the German officials envied the British
          Administration for their Goan staff who, they
          observed "have enough experience to avoid incurring
          the distrust which so many of our members inspire".

Mangat further states that during the period 1920-21, the
role of the subordinate Asian employees

          In the Administration increased because of their
          competitiveness and lack of local candidates.. In
          1904 for example, almost all clerical posts in the
          Provincial Administration were filled by Goans.

To further emphasise this point, he quotes from the D.C.
Malindi's report thus:

          As one of the two Administrative Officers is more
          frequently on safari, the remaining one finds
          himself so busy that he must rely, to a very large
          extent on his clerks. It speaks well therefore the
          for reputation and standing of our staff, that
          after 14 years experience of district work in five
          Provinces, I have never known one's confidence in
          its members to be misplaced or have had any reason
          to regret the extent to which one trusted them."

Needless to say, Mangat adds, all the names mentioned by the
D.C. are Goan (Fernandes, Ferreira, Braganca and Menezes --
must have forgotten the D'Souzas!)

I wonder what Mangat's reaction was, when Jomo Kenyatta felt
the need to inject some Goan blood into his first cabinet, by
appointing as his right hand man, none other than Joseph
Zuzarte, son of a Goan District Clerk (Peter Zuzarte) and a
Masai mother. I understand Peter Zuzarte worked under Sir
Geoffrey Archer when the latter was a D.O. at Baringo around
1897. Conforming to the political correctness of the day,
Joseph Zuzarte chose to go as Joseph Murumbi -- serving in
Kenyatta's first cabinet as Minister of State in the Prime
Minister's office, latterly Minister of State for Foreign
Affairs, and even, for a while, Vice-President of Kenya.

Murumbi never forgot his Goan roots.

Mind you, not everyone was happy with the Goan involvement in
Government service. I understand that when Winston Churchill
visited Kenya in his capacity as Under Secretary of State for
the Colonies, a delegation of White settlers protested
against the employment of Goans in the Administration.

Not much notice appears to have been taken of their protests,
but in 1934, the Mayor-Wade Commission was instructed to look
into the possibility of employing European clerks, and this,
briefly, is what they had to say: "We have given
consideration as to whether increased economy and efficiency
could be attained by the more general employment of European
clerks, and our opinion is in the negative. We have been
favourably impressed by the dedication with which the
majority of Goan clerks do the work required of them, and
also of the conspicuous loyalty and willingness to work
overtime, and their fixed determination to finish, at all
costs, the work that has to be done.

"It would be out of the question to employ, in District
offices, European clerks, other than those of the highest
integrity and proven ability, and in any case, the salaries
that they would demand, would be much high than those paid to
the Goans."

So, you got us on the cheap!

And talking of the long hours we often worked (without
overtime of course), Francis da Lima, who many of you may
remember, and who was more than a P.A. to Sir Gerald Reece
and his successors at Isiolo, had this to say in a recent
letter to me from his home in Goa:

          "When there was real pressure of work, he (Sir
          Gerald) would come to the office just as I was
          about to leave, carrying a hurricane lamp and
          sandwiches. I was expected to work late into the
          evening until all the work was completed, and then
          sent home under an armed Dubas (Tribal Police)
          escort as Isiolo abounded in wild game in those

So much for our loyalty and dedication, and while some of us
may still harbour memories of the injustices within the
service, today is not a day for "If only's".

I am sure we could all look back and wish things were done
differently. We may have a few regrets, but speaking
personally, may I say how proud I feel to have been a member
of the Provincial Administration. We were privileged to work
under men of quality and distinction, from some of whom we
learnt much, and to whom, I hope "we were also able to leave
behind memories of the valuable Goan contribution towards the
development of the Kenya Nation."

NOTE: Peter Fullerton is the Secretary of the Kenya Admin.
Club in the UK. Terence Gavaghan was a District Commissioner
and is now a close family friend of the author.

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