Spare the rod... and ground the child

By Savio Figueiredo

The interesting part of parenting is that  most parents are
not trained for the job. There is no course such as "Parent
Formation/Training Course" like we in Goa have Marriage
Formation Courses giving would-be parents some sort of
training about marriage.

Parents learn 'on the job'. I for one feel this learning on
the job is a better idea rather than applying common
techniques to all children. Each child is unique and should
be treated as such.

One of the important aspects of parenting is disciplining
your child for her or his acts of commission and omission.
Different parents have separate methods -- including glaring
at their kids (aka "making big eyes"), shouting, spanking,
deprivation (no ice cream or cable TV for a period of a day
or a week or whatever). Having been a parent for 12 years, I
would like to share my experiences, in a lighter vein, with
you with special reference to disciplining.

It is the irony of life that your kids tend to play the same
tricks on you that you played on your parents. Only thing is
that the tricks are more advanced, according to the times.

How they manage it is beyond me, as my elder daughter Renuka
was born after my dad's death and was just three years when
my mother passed away. Deepika, my other daughter, met
neither. Sometimes I have the sneaky feeling their uncles or
aunt apprise them of my past misdeeds.

I will try to chronologise the different disciplining methods
Janice and I have tried since we became parents.

First it was the "Big Angry Eyes" treatment. It worked for
some time. One look from me made Deepika open her mouth when
she fussed with her food.

Later, the kids started making big eyes at us.

So this was followed by the shouting treatment, often at the
top of our voices despite practicing the low, level, firm
voice treatment with that focused look in front of the
mirror. Result: shouting matches. This method is now used
only by Janice, and sparingly

Then came the spanking. Janice and I set out some rules for
ourselves. No using anything other than our hand. (I do
threaten with a belt or stick but it is NEVER used.) The next
rule was that spanking areas were only hands and arms, butt
and legs. Never the head or face and front part of the body.

However spanking girls is a different ball game. Their
tear-filled eyes and the "How could you do this to me look?"
is enough to melt the stoniest heart and I always end up
saying sorry. Also, Janice seldom uses this method.

This was followed by "deprivation". It is important to
emphasise that deprivation of food is never be used as a
punishment. Sometimes making them eat is sufficient
punishment itself, as in Renuka's case. So it was no cable TV
till we became a cable-free family three years back. Later,
it was no movies on the CD player, no ice cream, no using the
computer, and so on. These were tried without much success.

Doing work at home is never used as a punishment by us. It is
a duty and not a penalty. So picking up leaves from the lawn,
cleaning the house and room, doing small shopping is
considered as our children's duty.

We were racking our brains for an effective means of
disciplining.  Till one day, I came across the term

Grounding means staying at home for a specified period of
time. This restriction of a child's freedom to go out of the
home and meet their friends seems to me an effective
punishment. It is not involve physical pain, nor does it
humiliate the child. The grounding period can be put to
constructive use like reading, artwork etc. A long planned
outing with friends may fail to take off and hence ensures
compliance for long periods of time.

One hopes that such compliances lead to good habit formation.
As far as we are concerned it works well . So Renuka now
pleads, "Punish me any other way but please do not ground me."

Finally believe me  when I say Janice and I enjoy being
parents to our two girls. We have never tried to be super
parents or pretended to be exemplary parents and our girls
know us -- clay feet, warts and all. No pretenses, just
ourselves. We think we know what we are doing and proceed
with what we think is in the best interests of our kids.

Savio Figueiredo is a pharmacist by training, and is
venturing into the world of writing. This article was earlier
posted on Aldona-Net

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