The Accidental Activist
Women Aloud by Venita Coelho

One of the first things that a girl is taught is that she
shouldn't make too much noise. "It's not ladylike... girls
shouldn't be so loud... stop shouting!" Then you grow up and
discover that there are many things that you want to raise
your voice about. There are inequalities and injustices woven
into the system that make you want to shout out loud. Women
get such a bad deal in life that very often you are so mad
that you want to scream.

I spent last week involved in an initiative that helps women
raise their voices. WAVE-Women Aloud Video Empowerment is the
hard work of Sapana Sahani and Angana Jhaveir and their NGO,
Point of View. They managed to raise the funds and get
together thirty women from across India to teach them how to
represent women's issues in media.

          The project aimed to train women to become citizen
          journalists to tell stories of positive change in
          their communities to an international audience. And
          so I found myself facing a room full of young
          enthusiastic woman. They came from as far away as
          Jammu and Kashmir and the Andaman and Nicobar
          islands. I was there to train them but the truth is
          that I learnt more from them than they did from me.

My first lesson was about the reality of other lives in
India. One of the participants said that she wanted to make a
film about half widows. I had no clue about what she meant.
"Half widows are women whose husbands have been picked up by
the police or the army," she explained. "They are not
officially widows and neither do they have a man to run the
house. They live in a twilight world."

She was from Jammu and Kashmir.

Another participant wanted to make a film that taught the
inhabitants of slums how to cope with climate change. That
left me bewildered until she explained "the woman in slums
have no real access to water. They have no official
connections and they fight every day to get their share from
the tankers that come to the slums. When climate change hits,
the rich will still buy water; what will these poor women do?"

Another participant from Bihar wanted to teach women how to
cope with both water shortage and with floods. She came from
a land that was racked by extremes.

My second lesson came in sensitivity. Many of the
participants already ran NGOs of their own, even though the
average age was less than 25. One amazing young woman ran an
NGO that helped tackle child abuse -- and a tattoo parlour.

          As I began to use examples from different issues
          that came to mind, hands went up in the audience.
          Young women began to share the reality of what for
          me upto then had mainly been "issues". I had to
          slow down and think about the top-of-the-mind
          examples I was handing out.

My last lesson came in motivation. There were several girls
who did not speak English. A translator did the best she
could and I switched into Hindi occasionally. Still -- we
were tackling complicated concepts and I was sure that taking
the Hindi speakers were being left behind. When I paused to
take questions, their hands shot up and their questions
proved that they had been fiercely following what I had been
saying. These women were not about to let language get in the
way of representing the issues that they cared about.

I looked at all those determined young faces in the audience.
I thought of the huge change that is needed to come about to
make the lives of women in India even close to equal to those
of men.

          In choosing to be part of this initiative these
          women had already become a major part of that
          change. They were far too young to understand the
          tremendous thing that they were setting out to do.
          I truly wish them all the luck in the world.  I
          hope they go out there and shout as loud as they
          possibly can. Loud enough to be really heard.

The writer can be contacted at Casa Coelho in Bambordem,
Moira Goa Phone +91-9867166057 or +91-832-2470861

[Courtesy: The Herald]

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