Cheers for My Dears:

The Legend of *Xepto*                      by Augusto Pinto

My Dears,

You'll never believe this, but the other day I happened to
pass by Purgatory when I suddenly saw *Xepto*, my fellow
villager from Moira. Purgatory is not Goa's latest night
club, but a kind of waiting room between *Sorg* and *Infern*
where confused souls are kept while the Authorities decide
their cases.

*Xepto*  worked on a cruise liner and his real name was
Cipriano. But we Moidekars called him *Xepto*. Why? Simply.
We love giving people pet names. Someone is *Bobo* and
someone else is *Ladoo*; so Cipriano was *Xepto*.

Nowadays, *Xepto* is world famous, especially in Goa. But NOT
as *Xepto*. The newspapers call him "The Late Shri Cipriano
Fernandes, NRI Chef". He became Late because the police
*dhaddaied* him after some chick *lafda*.

Anyway, there I was awkwardly staring at *Xepto*, wondering
whether I should wish him or not. After all, it is not
everyday one bumps into fellow Moidekars in Purgatory, and
besides his dead body was still chilling out in the Bambolim

That's when he spotted me. "*Arre* Gusto!! *Hey* man! *Boro
mure*?!!", he yelled cheerfully. I replied nervously, "Good
morning Mr Fernandes".

Xepto said,"*Henh* -- what's this Mister
Fernandes-Bernandes??!!! C'mon Gusto! Call me *Xepto* like
always. It's cool dude."

I said hesitantly,"Sure *Xepto* - so how's life man? Er, I mean
..." I bit my tongue as I realised my mistake. But dead or
alive, *Xepto* did not mind it.

He replied, "Actually Gusto, I'm enjoying it *man*. Tell me
Gusto, which *Moidekar* is more famous than me? The papers
print my photo every second day. And the coverage on the Goa
TV channels is great...And just look at the headlines Gusto:
"Doctors 'Doctor' Reports!" " Witnesses Offered Lakhs to Keep
Mum but Refuse Bribes!" "MLAs Raise Cipriano in Assembly!...
Sensational! I'm famous *man*! Before this, who was I?
Nobody. Just poor, humble, useless *Xepto*. All my life
nobody cared for me. Of course, after I started working on a
cruise-liner, people would come for a drink or two or three
or four with me, when I came home on holiday, but still..."

Tired of his self-pity, I said, "*Puro re Xeptia, side-show
chod zalem*. OK you had problems, but everyone has *na*? And
don't say no one cared for you. *Arre*, even today your
*amigos* have stood up for you, isn't it? The media would
never have caught on to your story if it wasn't for friends
like them. Do you think you were nothing to them, *pixea*?"

My scolding brought him back to earth, but only for a moment.
*Xepto* mumbled, "Gusto, I guess you're right. Sure, I am
grateful to them. But still just look at me now man --
yesterday's Zero -- today's Hero! It's fantastic *man*!

I just shook my head at *Xepto*'s dramatics. *Xepto* loved
publicity, but to be fair though, there was some truth in his
*falams*. In fact a film and a few *tiatrs* are being planned
on his life.

Changing the subject slightly I said, "*Arre Xeptia*, tell me
how that *lafda* started? And what do you think should be
done to those cops who bashed you up?"

*Xepto* said," I really don't know, Gusto. It was all
*ghodbod man*. Everybody was *abuz* and I was *gabrufied*
when the police started *pettoing* me. But I've no complaints
about that man -- cops *pettoi* everybody unless you're a
*poixekar* with influence. No hard feelings -- the cops were
just doing their duty. I'm cool." *Xepto* was quite

"OK *Xepto*, now tell me, how will this *bhangod* end?"

"God alone knows, Gusto. Most people tell me that the case
will just get *zoroied* and *zoroied* on and on, until the
next scandal comes up and my story is quietly forgotten. Like
with Scarlett. Remember her?" He sounded a little sad so I
said, "*Xeptia* I hope that doesn't happen and you get
justice." He shrugged his shoulders.

I mused to myself as we parted, "I think the legendary
village of Moira has a new legend - the legend of *Xepto*."


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