OBITUARY | Fredrick Rocque
Rocky was a rock

Michael Fisher

Fredrick Rocque (Rocky) began his journalism career in the
Navhind Times in Goa when he was in his 20s in the late
1970s.  In 1980, he left Goa for Bombay to work with The
Daily, a fiesty new tabloid then launched by Russy Karanjia,
which was also known as the Bull Dog from its mascot that
appeared on its masthead.  Since then he has been a
copy-editor and front page layout design expert.

On 31 December 1982, The Daily carried a Fredrick Rocque
bylined report on the front page: Priest Skips Last Rights
for Christmas Party.  While the news shocked the Catholic
community, the reporting fraternity got the feel what Rocky
could be, if he chose to.

His first byline report was in the Navhind Times: Learn to
Walk, recalls crime reporter Jamal.  Fermin D'Souza who was
his neighbour in Bahrain and in Canada, writes: "Frederick
Rocque was known to all his close friends as Rock or Rocky,
sometimes Freddy.  His mile-wide smile that could light up a
room telegraphed his joyous nature.  Rock loved a good party
and was never one to say no to a good bash.  He was usually
the catalyst to pull old friends together, especially those
from his time in Bahrain who are now settled in Canada."

          Quick with a joke, Rock loved puns -- both in his
          work as a journalist as well as in his private
          life.  Like the time when George W.  Bush won in
          the US, Rock was working in magazines but couldn't
          resist calling up the newspaper (Gulf Daily News in
          Bahrain) editor to suggest this heading: By George,
          it's Bush!  And that was the front page heading the
          next morning.

Rock was also able to laugh at himself. It was a tough task
to get under his skin with even merciless barbs. He laughed
at his stature, his girt (not that he had any), his
brain-power (or lack thereof), the list could go on. You just
couldn't get him irritated.

Rock was also the first to lend a helping hand when one was
needed -- even when it was not needed.

One of the last things he told a friend (that's me) about a
couple of weeks before he fell to a cardiac arrest 18 months
ago was: "... you make me laugh."

Keep that laugh and that smile going, Rocky.

Michael Fisher is a based journalist, who has worked with a range of
newspapers within and outside India, and is now back in Goa.

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