Mother Teresa Set for Sainthood After Vatican Approves Second Miracle Kolkata
archbishop calls move ‘like a Christmas gift to us’
Pope Francis has approved the second miracle of Mother Teresa of Kolkata,
clearing the way for the late missionary to become a saint, the Vatican
announced Friday. Photo: AP
Francis X. Rocca in Rome and
Joanna Sugden in New Delhi
Updated Dec. 18, 2015 8:51 a.m. ET

Pope Francis <> has
approved the second miracle of Mother Teresa of Kolkata, clearing the way
for the late missionary to become a saint, the Vatican announced Friday.

The Vatican didn’t provide further details, but according to a report in
Avvenire, the official newspaper of the Italian Catholic bishops’ conference
Mother Teresa’s canonization would probably occur on Sept, 4, 2016, the day
before her feast day.

That event would likely prove a highlight of the current Holy Year of
Mercy, which the pope inaugurated at the Vatican on Dec. 8. In April 2014, the
double canonization
of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII in Rome drew an estimated 800,000

If Pope Francis chose to perform the canonization ceremony for Mother
Teresa in Kolkata, he would make the first papal trip to India since 1999.

A Vatican spokesman didn’t respond to a request for comment on the timing
of her canonization or the nature of the miracle.

According to Avvenire, Pope Francis approved the findings of the Vatican’s
Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which found the 2008 healing of a
Brazilian man with a brain infection and kidney disease had been due to the
intercession of Mother Teresa.

“For our people, even much before canonization, Mother [Teresa] was a
saint,” said Archbishop Thomas D’Souza of the Archdiocese of Calcutta, an
alternate name for Kolkata. “We are very, very happy. It’s like a Christmas
gift given to us.”

Mother Teresa, who spent much of her life helping the poor living in slums
in the eastern Indian city, died in 1997 at the age of 87. She was born
Anjëzë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu to an ethnic Albanian family in Skopje, in what is
today the Republic of Macedonia.

She founded the Missionaries of Charity, an order of nuns dedicated to care
of the “poorest of the poor,” in Kolkata, in 1950. She won the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1979 and received strong support from St. John Paul II, who gave
her permission to open a soup kitchen inside Vatican City.

The Catholic Church normally requires one so-called medical miracle before
a deceased Catholic can be declared “blessed,” and another such miracle,
occurring after that declaration, before he or she can be canonized as a

Mother Teresa will be Kolkata’s first Catholic saint, Archbishop D’Souza
said, but the third woman in India to be canonized, after St. Alphonsa and
St. Euphrasia, who were both from Kerala in southern India.
[image: Mother Teresa of Kolkata on a visit to St James' Church in London
in July 1981.] ENLARGE
Mother Teresa of Kolkata on a visit to St James' Church in London in July
1981. Photo: Getty Images

St. John Paul II beatified Mother Teresa in 2003, after an expedited
process that began only 18 months after her death. The Vatican normally
waits a minimum of five years after someone’s death before considering

Beatification is formally an honor restricted to someone’s home diocese,
whereas canonized saints are venerated by Catholics everywhere. But Mother
Teresa has been the object of world-wide devotion since her death. India
accorded her a state funeral.

By the time of her death, her order had more than 4,000 members, known by
their distinctive blue-bordered white saris, working on five continents.

The Missionaries of Charity now cares for the sick and destitute in more
than 130 countries. It runs soup kitchens, AIDS hospices, leprosy centers
and homes for women and orphaned children.

“It’s fantastic. All of us here knew she was a miracle herself through her
work,” said Sunita Kumar, a spokeswoman for the nuns in the order. “It’s
happened so quickly. All the sisters are very elated.”

Even during her lifetime, some in India criticized Mother Teresa’s good
work, saying she was just trying to convert Hindus to Christianity.

But she wrote that her missionaries should strive to “help a Hindu become a
better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim and a Catholic become a
better Catholic.”

“When you do any good, criticism will be there,” said Archbishop D’Souza.
“When she was asked what she thought about it, she said she prayed for

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