Aaron Savio Lobo
+91 83089 39019

I happened to attend the IUCN Species Survival Commission
Leaders' meeting in October last year. This event is held
once every four years and is attended by conservation
scientists and specialists from around the world.

Many of these scientists have made it their lives' missions
to better understand and conserve the species or ecosystem in
their specific fields. One responsibility of the members of
the Species Survival Commission are the 'Red List
Assessments', which evaluate the extinction risk of a species
using a range of criteria, based on which they are assigned
to various threat categories.

          While I bounced around between sessions during this
          mega-event, hearing mostly dismal tales of various
          species threatened with extinction, one theme
          became extremely apparent: humans have a flawed
          food production system that poses a
          disproportionate threat to the planet's ecosystems.

The oceans are our biggest providers of wild food and
protein, in the form of seafood.  This is one of the reasons
most people tend to view the oceans solely as 'food
providers', with an unending supply of fish.

While most of our land is managed for different purposes, and
we are quick to notice any form of mismanagement here, events
concerning the ocean usually escapes our attention.  Most of
our ocean spaces are still largely "open-access" resources when
it comes to fisheries extraction.  As a result, many
important ocean habitats are destroyed beyond repair, and
many species have declined to precarious numbers or are
locally extinct.

This said, fish is an important and often the sole source of
protein for millions of poor coastal communities in India and
the rest of the world.  And today, a large proportion of our
seafood is being directed for other purposes, including
feeding other industries such as poultry, fish farming and

          This not only poses a long-term threat to
          sustainability but is also a major livelihood and
          food security threat.  There are many solutions
          being touted to the various crises our oceans face,
          including setting up marine protected areas, ending
          destructive fisheries, incentivising good fishing
          practices, etc.  But the fish we choose to eat, and
          how it is sourced and processed, also has major
          implications for the environment.

PHOTO: A trawler along the Goan coast. Photo: Aaron Savio Lobo

We've just been through (on June 18) Sustainable Gastronomy
Day, so let's explore this aspect using a delicious Goan fish
curry called ambot tik koddi, or sour spicy curry.

          Traditionally, ambot tik was considered a poor
          man's curry.  The 'ambot' generally comes from the
          sour solã -- kokum shells -- while the 'tik' comes
          from chillies and other spices.  It lacks coconut,
          which was considered relatively expensive although
          typical to most Goan curries.

Goans have a few chosen fish that pair well with an ambot tik
preparation. These include mori (shark), waghole (ray),
sangta (sea catfish), tigur (walking catfish), lepo (tongue
sole) and tambde bhalem (burrowing eel gobies).  Today, a
typical Goan ambot tik is mainly prepared with mori, which is
considered to have good meat and to a lesser extent with some
other species. And among mori, it's generally the smaller
species, such as the spade-nose shark, which is used.

Sharks are threatened globally because of overfishing and
their numbers have seriously declined in most parts of their
range. Several species are being driven to extinction
because of the demand for their fins, particularly in the
East and Southeast Asian markets.

          In 2016, India was the second-largest shark fishing
          nation in the world.  While targeted shark
          fisheries do exist in India, most sharks are
          incidentally captured in fisheries that target
          other species.  For example, the bottom-dwelling
          shark is captured in non-selective fishing gear
          such as trawl nets, which actually try to capture
          small crustaceans like shrimp.  Many oceanic
          species are captured in drift gillnets and long
          lines that are actually designed for high-value
          species like tuna and king mackerel.

Sharks are long-lived creatures. They grow slow and sexually
mature late. They also tend to give birth to a few pups at a
time, as opposed to many other species that can lay thousands
of eggs. In a pristine sea with few anthropogenic pressures,
sharks are the top predators and play a vital role in shaping
the ecosystem. But they have trouble withstanding sustained
fishing pressure. Their populations can take years to
recover and in many cases, they may never do so, as we've seen
with species such as the Gangetic shark.

In India, there are five species of shark listed on the
Wildlife Protection Act 1972 and are protected by law.  The
practise of shark finning, which involves cutting off the
fins and discarding the carcass, has been banned and the
export of shark fins was recently prohibited.  However all
these efforts are unlikely to yield the desired result unless
the root cause -- vis-à-vis better fisheries management -- is
addressed.  This is because sharks caught either in a net or
on hooks are dead in any case.  Moreover, aquaculture of
sharks has never been successfully managed on a commercial
scale. Consuming sharks in the current status quo is
definitely not the sustainable way forward. However, these
restrictions will only be effective if better fisheries
management is enforced.

So let's take a look at another option for Goa's ambot tik.

The tigur is the Konkani name for the walking catfish
(Clarias dussumieri), an eel-like freshwater catfish.

Walking catfish are distributed throughout the Indian
subcontinent and are also known commercially by their generic
Bengali name, magur.  The tigur is typically found in
freshwater ponds, shallow wetlands and marshes. It can
thrive in poorly oxygenated and muddy waters as well and is
known to directly breathe air.

          During peak summer, as ponds dry up, these fish can
          be seen surfacing at regular intervals to take in
          gulps of air.  When the water levels drop and only
          mud remains, tigur are known to bury themselves in
          the mud and remain dormant until the monsoons
          arrive.  They are even known to "walk" between
          ponds using their pectoral spines, so the name
          'walking catfish'.

Most old Goan homes have a resident tigur or two introduced
into their wells, often along with the occasional freshwater
turtle, typically the Indian flapshell turtle (Lissemys
punctata).  Locals believe that these creatures play an
important role in keeping their wells clean by scavenging on
waste and devouring critters that occasionally fall in,
including insects, frogs and even small birds.  In addition,
having them swim around possibly helps aerate the water and
prevent algal blooms.

Tigur are best captured in the summer months when their
ponds are dry or have been drained on purpose. The first
monsoon storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning, is
supposed to prompt these fish to leave their pond-homes and
venture into flooded fields to breed.

At this time, locals from many Goan villages set out with
torches and cutlasses. The fish swimming in the shallow
fields are stunned into position with the light and impaled
on the cutlasses. The females, however, are gravid at this
time and a sufficient number survive to keep populations

PHOTO: The tigur is a common sight in Goa's wetlands.  Photo:
Aaron Savio Lobo

          Although the tigur is widely used in ambot tik,
          there is often a lot of food chauvinism when it
          comes to fish-eating.  For example, many smaller
          bony fish such as sardine are looked down on as
          'food for the poor'.  When I worked in Liberia, I
          remember the Atlantic bumper (Chloroscombrus
          chrysurus) being called 'Poor Joe' because it was
          considered to be the fish of the common man, while
          the larger Cassava croakers (Pseudotolithus
          senegalensis) were eaten by the people with means.

Such chauvinism holds particularly true when it comes to
choosing between mori and tigur.  Many locals refer to the
tigur as 'dirty', which sadly has to do with its skin colour
-- dark brown, mottled to black -- and the mucky environments
it inhabits.  Its reputation as a scavenger also doesn't do
it well.  Although there may be some truth to this, the tigur
is a formidable predator in the swamps they inhabit.

The tigur is a more sustainable option than the mori for
ambot tik.  It doesn't have to deal with the same fishing
pressures the sharks do: it's typically captured with
artisanal techniques like hand-nets and baskets.

Second, the tigur is a more species and tolerates a diverse
range of habitats and weather conditions.  They lay thousands
of eggs, and if their wetlands are sustained, their
populations can easily bounce back even after a heavy

          Third, unlike sharks, walking catfish are fairly
          easy to farm and are common in aquaculture
          operations in many parts of Southeast Asia.  This
          has the potential to provide communities with
          sustainable livelihood opportunities as well as
          boost food security.

To prepare a good ambot tik, it's best to have fresh
ingredients.  The good part of tigur ambot tik in the
monsoons is that everything is fresh, from the fish to the
various spices, including the solã and the local mirsang --
red chilli that has spent the summer drying under a hot Sun.
Today, I will enjoy my spicy tigur ambot tik with some hot
parboiled rice, a side of Galmo kismur, a chutney of small
dry shrimp and coconut.

With a  bit of creativity, we can still enjoy our traditional
cuisines and sustain biodiversity.  This may sometimes
involve transcending looks, caste and creed, but
it's definitely worth the effort in the end.
Aaron Savio Lobo is a marine conservation scientist who works
at the interface of marine sustainability and development.


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