By Frederick Noronha

If you're suffering from a difficult ailment, even while in the prime of
life, what do you do? Become a comedian! That was the choice of Chrystal F.
Gomes, a Goan settled in Scarborough, Ontario, in Canada.

This is a story of bravery and courage, of this lady of Goan origin, whose
family was earlier in Tanzania. She got to grips with multiple sclerosis
(MS), and battled shyness to do something she really enjoys -- making others
happy with her punch-lines.

Not only is she enjoying life and staying away from a kind of fear that
paralysis even the boldest, but she is also inspiring others. Including
those more fortunate than her.

Canadian newspaper 'Toronto Star' termed this a "stand-up response to MS
(multiple sclerosis)". A clear case that laughter is the best medicine.

Newspapers in Canada also quoted Chrystal Gomes as saying that her "unlikely
work as a comic makes her feel accepted". Today Chrystal is the most famous
comedian of South Asian origin in the country of her adoption.

Sample her humour: Did she face any racial prejudice on shifting from
Tanzania to Toronto? "Some. And we were pretty sensitive about it. I
remember my parents pulled me out of Girl Guides because they didn't like me
being called a BROWNIE!"

Is it true that she's still living with her parents at the family home in
Scarborough? "Yes. I recently spoke to Mom and Dad about finally moving out.

But Chrystal's real-life story isn't that funny. 

MS is an insidious illness of unknown origin that strikes one in 500
Canadians. It is a wasting disease that causes short circuits in the
electrical impulses carried by the nervous system, and a relentless foe that
attacks slowly and intermittently with increasing severity. 

There is no known cure.

Several years ago, just when life seemed to be getting on fine, it started
with a terrible headache that came on suddenly one night.

After being a good-student at the Notre Dame High School, she took on a
routine clerical job, and then decided to travel abroad. She loved travel,
and so decided to make it her work. Chrystal enrolled in the hotel and
convention management studies at Centennial College in 1994.

To cut the long story short, the next morning, her headache left the whole
left side of her face numb. Many tests and two weeks later, it was diagnosed
as MS.

In days' time, the whole left side of her body was numb.  Symptoms just
seemed to progress, and they included double vision, eye pain, diminished
peripheral vision, slurred or garbled speech, dizziness, inability to walk
without assistance, complete loss of hand coordination.

She recalls: "I couldn't write or feed myself." There was also loss of
taste, 'frozen' feet, and a desperate feeling of being trapped inside her
own body...to name a few symptoms.  

"I thought I was going to die, but I wasn't so lucky...or so I felt at the
time. I was hospitalized for a month-and-a-half, during which time, I was
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)," she says.
MS is a disease of the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal
cord). One's nerves have a protective covering of fatty tissue called
myelin, which helps nerve fibres conduct electrical impulses, and send
messages to the body.

In MS, the body's immune system attacks the myelin, leaving scar tissue
called 'sclerosis', in random spots throughout the central nervous system. 
The damaged areas are also called plaques or lesions.
When myelin is destroyed or damaged, the transmission of signals required
for normal operation is disrupted because the nerves are not able to conduct
electrical impulses to and from the brain.  This disruption produces the
various symptoms of MS.

Long sessions of physiotherapy and occupational therapy followed. Chrystal
had the relapsing-remitting form of MS, which means that unpredictable
relapses are followed by partial or total remission.
Doctors advice: avoid stress. This meant the career she was following, with
its long hours, and shift work was no longer viable. She was advised to take
on small, easily-reachable goals. 

For the next few years, Chrystal did temporary office assignments, and
continued to "'live' in fear".  Fear of having relapses...fear of doing
anything that might trigger a relapse.  When she wasn't afraid, she was
either very sad or very angry.  "MS was all that I thought about.  I read
everything I could find about the illness, and I obsessed about it," says
the young lady. 
In 1998, a friend introduced her to a series of courses called "The Pursuit
of Excellence".  These were self-discovery, personal enrichment type
courses.  She learnt a lot and faced many of her own 'demons'.
"I realized that there had always been a part of me that wanted to speak
out, be a part of society, feel accepted, feel like I belonged.  I faced
'who I was', revealed 'who I wanted to be', and admitted 'what was stopping
me from becoming that person'," she recalls. 
One huge sign on the wall at one session put it thus: "Live large... or, go
home!" Chrystal got the message. "I knew then, that if I was ever going to
become the person I really wanted to be, I had to take steps now.  And for
some strange reason, it almost felt like this was going to be my last
chance," she says. 

During that course participants had the job of listing ten dreams they had
never pursued, and work towards making it come true in the eight-week

"The dream that meant the most to me was to become a stand-up comedian. I've
always enjoyed watching comedies on TV, as well as listening to stand-up
comedians.  But I never once thought that I would ever become a comedian
myself.  And yet, it was the first dream I listed, and the one that filled
my heart with hope and excitement.  I think it was my way of finally coming
out into the world and finding a place for myself -- finding a voice, a way
to express my voice," she says.

Chrystal 'stood up' for the first time in front of my twenty-five classmates
in February 1998, and has been performing ever since.  Her first performance
at a comedy club was on in March 1998.

"I was terribly nervous, excited, and more than a little overwhelmed!  What
was I thinking?  Had I gone completely bonkers?  Could I really do this? 
Would 'shy Chrystal' suddenly panic and run off the stage at the last
minute?  And if the audience didn't laugh at a joke, would I dissolve into
tears and retreat into my own little world again?" These were some of her
thoughts as she recollects them. 
Well, the audience didn't laugh at all her jokes. But she didn't flee.  

They did laugh at many.  But for the jokes that didn't work, the audience
seemed to find her awkwardness or embarrassment funny, and burst out
laughing at that.  "I received lots of encouragement from friends,
strangers, and other comics," she adds. 
"I've learned that the audience likes to see the real you onstage.  They
want to hear truth.  They want to believe you.  They want you to be
yourself.  And that's what I am onstage....shy, self-conscious Chrystal.  I
don't swear or use crude language.  I don't 'monkey around' on stage.  I
just talk," she explains. 

Chrystal talks about "everyday life experiences" that hopefully everyone in
the audience will be able to relate to. Job-related issues, family,
upbringing, parents, male-female issues, relationships, marriage, children,
travel, politics, as well as current and seasonal topics.

She says: "As a comedian, I have to keep trying to get as much stage time as
I can.  I have to keep trying out new jokes, working out the 'kinks', losing
extra words, and tightening my material."
Chrystal says she still get very nervous before going upstage.  

"That nervousness turns into excitement, and pure joy when I get over the
first joke and hear the audience laughing.  I feel a connection with the
audience because they're laughing at what I've written.  It's like they
stepped into my mind, and saw what I was seeing when I wrote the jokes.  And
by laughing or applauding, they accepted and agreed with my 'thinking'," as
she explains.
What does it take to be a successful humourist?  

That's a tough question, because everyone has a different sense of humour,
as the lady explains.  Some people like clever, witty material.  Others just
want to hear foul language.  Some think silly acting on stage is funny,
others are more impressed with a dry, dead-pan delivery.

But, above all, a comic's jokes should suit the comic, should be believable. 
Chrystal is more on the serious side. She loves words and, so, relies on
words to evoke laughter, not actions.  Says she: "If I did try to 'monkey
around' on stage, I don't think I could pull it off, because that's not me,
and anyway, that behaviour wouldn't complement my words."

Chrystal likes to think that "the more you write funny material, the funnier
you become".

Says she: "I am a minority within a minority.  I've been introduced
countless times as the first Canadian South Asian woman of stand-up comedy. 
But it wasn't tough for me to make my point.  Most audiences want to hear
different viewpoints, see different comedy styles."

Multiple Sclerosis is unpredictable.  The uncertainty of what might happen
terrified her, and literally paralyzed Chrystal for years.  I wasted so many
of my 'todays', worrying about my 'tomorrows'.  

"It was only when I flipped that 'uncertainty' coin in my mind and realized
that on the other side of 'might happen', was 'might not happen', was I able
to move forward," she says. 

She explains: "I've come to believe in the mind-body connection.  That our
thoughts have a great impact on our body.  And so I keep feeding myself
powerful, positive, strengthening messages.  I've been reading positive
self-help books, and I try to keep negative, self-defeating thoughts from
having a place in my mind."

"I've never been a brave person.  I wasted my early years, before MS,  as an
observer, totally withdrawn.  After MS, I wasted more years just existing,
feeling sorry for myself, being angry and scared.  I do believe that every
experience I lived somehow strengthened me, although I didn't know it at the
time," she looks back wistfully.

Says she: "I believe in prayer.  I have faith that I am in God's loving,
protective embrace, and that He will always give me the strength to face
whatever comes my way.  The more I believe that, the less fear I have. I
believe that laughter is very healing."

Of course the seven years since her diagnosis have not been symptom-free. 
MS continues to "remind" her of its presence in my life every so often, but
humour and laughter have given her strength, a release.  She now goes to
comedy clubs, watches comedy on TV, and laughs as much as she can.  

"I try to find 'the funny' in every experience that I have.  It's not always
easy, but it does always help me to face the issue and move on, laughing."

Her dreams include having her poems published -- she has written hundreds
over the years. She wants to become a published author. She would like to
have her own one-woman play/act/story to take 'on the road'. She wants to
start painting and drawing again. "I have so many dreams, I feel very greedy
listing them all." But as she puts it, "I am really proud to be a member of
an industry that spreads the feeling of well-being that laughter creates."

"If I got the chance to start all over again, I would definitely go into
comedy once more.  Comedy has helped me tremendously.  It has given me a
whole new perspective on life," she concludes. "Multiple Sclerosis, this
bizarre illness that won't kill me, somehow led me to the place where I'd
always longed to be.  I am so lucky."

"It's not the dreams themselves that I'm excited about - I know that some of
them are unrealistic.  It's the fact that that I've allowed myself to have
dreams again, regardless of how far-reaching they are, that fills me with
happiness, hope and excitement," she adds. 

Chrystal has polished her act through New York's respected American Comedy
Institute and performed on the GTA comedy club circuit at corporate, private
and charitable events.

Chrystal's background is interesting. Initial excitement of moving into a
new country "wore off quickly when I faced incidents of racial prejudice". A
shy, timid she withdrew even more, feeling she "wasn't accepted or wanted"
in Canada.

She became "an observer, rather than a participant in life". She recalls: "I
did whatever I could to keep myself safe.  I turned to writing -- poetry
mainly, to express my thoughts and feelings, rather than voicing them out
loud." She also drew and painted. 

Some more of Chrystal's humour:

"After diagnosing me with MS, my doctor told me to avoid stress. So I
stopped ... GOING TO HIM!

"Since being diagnosed, I've learned that when the medical profession
speaks, patients need to translate. So when the doctor says, `Laughter is
the best medicine,' he's really saying: `THERE'S NO CURE!'"

And what about your love life, Chrystal? Found a guy yet?
"I thought I found Mister Right. But he LEFT!"

Her grandparents -- both maternal and paternal -- were born in Goa and
migrated to East Africa in the early 1900s.  Both her parents were born in
East Africa, studied in India and worked in East Africa prior to migrating
to Canada in 1974. She and her brother were born in Tanzania, reflecting the
typical story of the emigration-oriented Goan Catholic. 

Chrystal recollects: "My family and I have always participated in Goan
events, both in East Africa, as well as in Canada.  We are members of the
G.O.A. (Goan Overseas Association) Toronto.  We've been to countless dances,
village feasts, picnics, family days, etc.  When we were living in East
Africa, we'd travel to Goa on holiday every three to four years."

Do Goans really have a sense of humour? She protests, in reply: "We Goans do
have a sense of humour.  Goans are extremely social beings.  They love to
meet, talk, eat, drink, dance, socialize and have a good laugh.  We can and
do laugh at ourselves."

Part of the Goan diaspora, they maintained closed links with Goa. Her
parents visited here in 1989.  "I have cousins living in Goa. My brother and
I have not been back to Goa since we came to Canada.  I was too young, and
have very little recollection of my visits to Goa.  I would love to return
there one day," says she. 

Contact Chrystal at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     ENDS

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