goanet-digest          Sunday, June 16 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4088

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] And then they saw the light....
    [Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] Is Marlon delusional?
    [Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] 'bad words' on GoaNet issue
    Re: Re: [Goanet] Fish, Curry and Rice... in a new edition
    Re: [Goanet] Fish, Curry and Rice... in a new edition
    [Goanet] Indian Christian population is on a decline: study
    [Goanet] NEWS: Goa Economic Survey ... and the IT sector

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 08:53:30 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] And then they saw the light....

Cecil -

Welcome back, and thank you for your cooperation.  I look forward to
reading more of your humorous posts.



Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 09:02:49 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] Is Marlon delusional?

Cecil -

Let's just hope that some malefactor doesn't start advertising
Beatrice's EXPRESSIONS in an effort to keep this now-resolved conflict
alive, hiding behind the fact that he/she doesn't benefit from it
personally.  We won't tolerate that type of game, so let's hope that
other persons with a stake in dividing Netters don't try to play the


Cecil Pinto wrote:

> Also Herman clearly states in his definition "subject matter that
> has URL
> links to the POSTER'S commercial interests".
> Does'nt anyone understand simple defintions. As long as you don't
> benefit
> commercially yourself, you are free to promote someone else's
> interests.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 09:14:26 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] 'bad words' on GoaNet issue

Cecil -

Before I go on, I will ask this:  Keep TGF out of this - it is not
fair to Dr. Jose's subscribers to bring our spats to their Forum.  I
will not copy TGF in my response.  Nor will I post to GoaNet2.

Cecil Pinto wrote:

> Before I begin let me make it quite clear that I have the highest
> respect
> and admiration for Ms. Coelho and her capacities as Administrator.
> Time and
> again she has taken pains to explain the issues and technical
> details to
> me, and many other grateful subscribers. This argument is not about
> her. It
> is about the issue and the strategy she has chosen.

Thank you for these kind words.  Why does the word "setup" come to

> Ms. Coelho has set up a perfect checkmate for me. I lose either way.
> She
> refers to a private discussion, we did indeed have, regarding the
> use of
> 'bad words' on GoaNet. Now it is her human memory...  against my
> archives.
> If I quote her exact words and prove my statements correct she will
> cry
> foul. She has done so before, when I did something similar in my
> defense
> against her. She claims I quoted her out of context from a 'private'
> posting' and that was taken as final.
> Like before she will cry that I have repeated her words from
> 'private'
> postings in public. So I become the bad guy - despite being correct.
> So she
> can continue to say 'I recall..' and 'I admitted..' and I can't tell
> everyone exactly what she said because that was in 'private'. You
> win Ms.
> Coelho. Well planned strategy.
> Below the belt but well executed. Viva!
> Care for another game? This time entirely in public view? Let's
> discuss
> this 'adult words' issue threadbare. And if I win you will DEMAND
> that
> Herman removes that Jurassic Juvenile filter. What say you?
> Of course many 'adult' words will be used in the course of the
> argument -
> as examples. So naturally we cannot have the debate on GoaNet. If
> Goa-Goans
> obliges fine with me. I do not like to impose too much on their time
> and
> bandwidth on an issue not related to their discussion group. Else we
> can
> try Goanet2 as the venue for the debate maybe? Let me know.
> Cecil
> (Loser of the first round)

Cecil - please forward to me any post of mine which supports your
argument.  If I am wrong I will be the FIRST to state so.  I've never
held back an apology when one is due from me (that's a guy thing, I

However, the "adult words" issue is DEAD.  The filter is in place and
is NOT LIKELY to be removed, so I WILL NOT DEMAND that the filter be
removed.  GoaNet has been around for many years without those 10-or-so
words and people have managed to communicate anyway.

Of course I remember that I encouraged you to use an asterisk to fool
the filter in order to use the B-word and I further stated that there
were some legitimate (groan) uses for the word in polite discussion,
but that doesn't mean that if others use the asterisk to mask foul
language or personal attacks that that would be acceptable.  So there
is always the possibility of human judgment to overcome an inhuman (as
in computer) filter WHEN THE USE IS LEGITIMATE.  Surely you can
understand the difference.



Date: 16 Jun 2002 16:32:19 -0000
From: "Sonali Prabhudesai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: [Goanet] Fish, Curry and Rice... in a new edition


My apologies..  It was an email from Eugene, not you, to goanet 
(and by extension, I was included). Its at 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goanet/message/21655 if you wish to 
take a look..

You have a great day now,

On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 Viviana wrote :
>Sonali Prabhudesai wrote:
> > ...and an email from Viviana saying that according to an email 
> > by her, the entire matter has been married.
>You have no email from me.  I have no message in my Sent folder 
>to Sonali Prabhudesai.  I guess this proves you're using an 

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Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 09:36:05 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fish, Curry and Rice... in a new edition

An apology???  I guess Sonali does exist and MUST be a woman.  ;-)))


Sonali Prabhudesai wrote:

> Viviana,
> My apologies..  It was an email from Eugene, not you, to goanet (and
> by extension, I was included).


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 12:03:29 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Goanet] Indian Christian population is on a decline: study

SAR News Vol.22.No.24 Jun.17, 2002

Indian Christian Population is on a Decline: Study 

Bangalore: SAR News

The Hindutva revivalists and the militants belonging to the Sangh Parivar
are waging a propaganda war against the Christians by accusing the latter
of converting Hindus in large numbers and bringing out false data about
the activities of the Christians. But contrary to the diehard bigots'
claims, the Indian Christian population according to the Government of
India Census of 2000-2001 is 22100000, i.e., around 22-odd
million. Comparing these figures to the Census figures of 1991 reveals
that the number of Christians in India is on a rapid decline.

Here are the facts and figures: 1951 - 2.5 (in percent); 1961 -
2.44; 1971 - 2.60; 1981 - 2 .43; 1991 - 2.34; 2001 - 2.18. The Christians
have lost nearly 4 million members. They have been either converted or
reconverted by some Hindu outfits like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP),
Vanavasi Kalayan Parishad and others.

According to a recent study, another shocking revelation is that the
Syrian Christians of Kerala are on the verge of decimation. The recent
study by a Christian scholar (reported on vernacular TV channel
also) says that the Syrian Christian community of Kerala would be
decimated in a few decades due to various factors including migration,
low fertility and extremely low growth rates. There are literally no
conversions to the Syrian Christian Church of Kerala. The Hindu
Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh has given a clean chit to the Orthodox
and Mar Thoma Churches for obvious reasons. The Knanaya Church still
believes in racial purity and its members are strictly endogamous. Like
in the Hindu castes, one has to be born into the denomination.

Incidentally, 30 percent of the Indian Christian population lives in
Kerala. So one can anticipate the fate of the Church in India. To add to
the woes, the Hindu revivalists are converting many Christian Adivasis
and Dalits to Hinduism. A great lure and weapon is the denial of
reservation to the Christians from the Adivasi and Dalit backgrounds.

Another pocket of Christians - Goa - is also showing negative
trends. There are reports of Christians being lured for
reconversion. This is probably due to a grave mistake the Church had
committed in the past. It also registered the caste identities of those
who became Christians. The so-called upper castes want to preserve the
caste supremacy and the Hindutva elements are cashing in on
it. Evangelical activity is not reported to be anywhere near
impressive. Like in Kerala, the anticipation is about a rapid decline in
the Christian population.

Here's a list of State-wise population of Christians in India
Andhra Pradesh: 12,17,000 (1.83%); Arunachal Pradesh: 89,013
(10.3%); Assam: 7,44,000 (3.32%); Bihar: 8,44,000 (0.98%); Goa: 3,49,000
(29.86%); Gujarat: 1,81,753 (0.44%); Haryana: 15,700 (0.10%); Himachal
Pradesh: 4,435 (0.09%); Karnataka: 8,60,000 (1.92%); Kerala: 56,22,000
(19.32%); Madhya Pradesh 4,27,000 (0.66%); Maharashtra: 8,85,000
(1.12%); Manipur: 6,27,000 (34.11%); Meghalaya: 11,64,000
(4.58%); Mizoram: 5,91,000 (85.73%); Nagaland: 10,58,000
(87.5%); Orissa: 6,66,000 (2.1%); Punjab: 2,25,000
(1.1%); Rajasthan: 48,000 (0.11%); Sikkim: 13,500 (3.3%); Tamil
Nadu: 32,00,000 (5.7%); Tripura: 46,500 (1.68%); Uttar Pradesh: 2,00,000
(0.14%); West Bengal: 3,00,000 (0.56%); New Delhi: 83,000
(0.88%); Pondicherry: 63,000 (7.3%). (The figures are based on the
official statistics. The figures for the three new States are included
with the parent states).

The statistics show that the talk of "aggressive evangelisation" and
"mass conversion" is absolutely bogus. Technically and practically, the
Indian Christians are on the losing side.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 20:29:45 +0530
From: "saraph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: Goa Economic Survey ... and the IT sector

Fred, I presume the write-up you posted is from the govt's report?

I think the word IT and computerisation are wrongly being treated
synonymously. IT is NOT computerisation. e-governance is also being equated
to computerisation. We can only fool ourselves equating these words. No
wonder it is easy to publicize IT and e-governance efforts by investing in
computerisation, especially in the name of the masses. Who cares about
performance and results? Pramod Mahajan reportedly said that the government
departments are becoming a graveyard of computers. I hope our schools,
colleges and others don't follow suit.

IT skills? Do they mean using computers and word-processing?

There is no clear use of **IT**, **governance** or governance **mission**
exhibited in the steps and initiatives listed. The only underlying mission
seems to be high visibility and presence of computers. Computers will not
add value in government unless they can directly make us get more reliable
water, easier traffic flows, cheaper fresh fish, flood free monsoons,
low-inflation sustainable economy, mission focused programs and projects,
clearer and transparent program and project monitoring, cleaner and reliable
electricity, better waste management, well planned infrastructure, cleaner
and well developed villages, towns and cities, integrated transport
networks, well coordinated and backward and forward integrated industrial
base in few locations that are well connected to the transport grid, well
utilised skill base with near zero unemployment, hunger free Goa, shelter
for all, bio diverse contiguous forests, optimal land holding size and
agricultural production, tightly secure village, town and city boundaries

IT needs to be used for society, not for the sake of computerisation and



Dr. Anupam Saraph, Ph.D.,
Hon. Secretary, CSI (Goa)


End of goanet-digest V1 #4088

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