What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

TitBits (010)- The Venomous Discipline

And  the Gujarat Nazi is again in the news, probably emboldened by the shot
in the arm that he got from Advani to continue with his  Gaurav Yatra. He
now wows to wipe out militants from Gujarat. I, for one cannot but help read
this as "Muslims" instead of "Militants".

And,  a long time ago, similar wows from the German Nazi  saw millions of
Jews in  gas chambers.

And, it is not surprising that the Nazi should garland  Gandji's statue. For
a statue is a statue. One can do with it what one wants. But if statues
could kick, I am sure the Nazi would have suffered a severe case of swollen
genitals before he could finish the job of  garlanding the one person who
must be detesting this worm, like never before in his entire living life.
And to think that this Nazi has been compared with personages such as Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel and Lal Bahadur Shastri is like comparing a gutter rat to
great STATESMEN of our time,  who have done this nation proud. This gutter
rat is now being allowed by the brainless  Gujaratis to lead them on a yatra
which in fact is the renewed  "Dandi March"  , only this time to fill their
plates with salt instead of real meals.

And, the Goa  Nazi in the making has been parading in the capital city of
Goa in  half khaki pants, which hitherto were kept hidden from public view.
The surprising thing is that he has forgotten that open sandals are not a
part of the discipline he would want to talk about of the cadre RSS. It only
goes to show that discipline can be compromised if one is at the higher rung
of the RSS ladder.

It is the same discipline  that teaches them to throw stones at innocent
people and damage private  and public property while enforcing bandhs which
are the resort of cowards and  intended to cripple the country's economy. It
is the same discipline that makes them chant that they have no use of money,
while collecting millions to feather their own nests and to win elections.
It is the same discipline that makes them terrorize their own people and cow
down before the real terrorists. It is the same discipline that makes them
slit open  pregnant women's stomachs and spear the babies on their trishuls
and burn the entire families to charcoal. It is the same discipline that
make them disrupt religious services and assault the priests and the members
of the congregations. It is the same discipline that makes them rape the
nuns and burn the churches and mosques. It is the same discipline that makes
them burn the Christian missionaries alive while they were sleeping in their
car. It is the same discipline that makes them put their arms around the
shoulders of Cigarette and gutka manufacturers  to promote their wares
during Dushera and Navratri festivals. It is the same discipline that makes
them immune to the trials and tribulations of millions of  tribals and the
poor, on whose sweat they are laying the foundation  for a religious state.

And finally, it is  the same discipline that makes them install the
murthies of their  serpentine Gods under the mango trees on the grounds of
the Che Cathedral in old Goa  with the active connivance of the  ASI,
preparing the grounds for leading another yatra just like the yatra that saw
the Babri Masjid disappear,  to claim that the Che Cathedral has been built
on a  once upon a time  Hindu temple.

And all this would have been fine in the birthplace of Gandiji, even whom,
their venomous discipline has not spared. But it is an insult, not only to
Goans but to anyone who has even been remotely connected with Goa, that
these brain washed vipers have at all been allowed to take charge of the
affairs of Goa and Goans, illuminate their churches and temples, and sweet
talk them into reposing their confidence in them only to further their
secret and sinister hidden agendas.

And, all I can say is 'WELL DONE  GOA, WELL DONE GOANS'


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