Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec 13: Dance workshop, with Jaap Van Maanen. Tel 2275733 BB Cafe
Dec 14 onwards: Shireen Mody's Goa 2002 exhibition, Arpora. Tel 2276759
Dec 14: Customer Relationship Mgt Seminar, Xaviers, Mapusa Tel 2262356
Dec 17, 18, 20: Indo-Portuguese furniture, lectures Fundacao Ph 2230728
Jan 18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
Misdeeds Exposed
On appraising the proceedings of the conduct of Additional Advocate General
of Goa - Advocate Thali in the press, it is felt that the very integrity of the man
is under cloud, since he claimed huge amount of professional fees which
he was not entitled. Any person with little self respect by now would have
resigned from the post gracefully over the strictures passed by the
Hon'ble judges of Bombay High Court, Goa Bench, but it appears
he belongs to a tribe of shameless people.

Notwithstanding, what has transpired from the exposures of misdeeds
of Adv. Thali, the Government, which is the employer should have requested
such officials to resign forthwith or sack him outright and the Vigilance
Department should have been ordered to conduct an enquiry. But, alas,
the present Government in power in the State of Goa has just been an
onlooker of all misdeeds and corrupt-acts of it's supporters and these
are total acts of nepotism, corruption of public-life and gross misconduct
of Government in power, which protects the men of their own clan.

The Bar Association should move in and withdraw the "Sanad" granted
to such advocates to maintain the discipline and integrity of the profession.
An inquiry should also be held whether the employer i.e. the Government
of Goa have collected the Income Tax deductions on the earnings
of it's employee - Additional Advocate General from the Bills paid to him,
which is considered as income. Income Tax officials should move in and
prosecute both the employer and the employee for default if any.

It would be wise for Adv. D'Souza to study and inquire how many cases
in which Advocate Thali appeared were in favour of the Government
and against it, since a doubt has been cast on the very conduct of
Additional Advocate General. It is evident that CM is protecting this guy,
as UGDP's MLAs in cabinet including Saldanha who was expected
to be conscience keeper of the Government has endorsed the view,
and this goes to prove even people like Mathany Saldanha can be
influenced by corrupt political bed-fellows.

Congratulate Advocate D'Souza for boldly exposing the misdeeds
of such important and responsible functionary of Government of Goa,
moreso, because the appointment has been declared as irregular.
I wish the Hon'ble Judges of Bombay High Court, Goa Bench
will take suo motto cognizance of the contents of this letter.

Agnelo Noronha,
Comba, Margao.
HERALD 13/12/02 page 6

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

***** CHRISTMAS PARTIES 2002 *****

Dec 14 - Goan Association of New Jersey, Inc., Somerset +1 (732) 599-7644
Dec 21 - GOA-LA, Los Angeles, [EMAIL PROTECTED] +1 (714) 821-6168 (late fee on tickets after Dec 10)

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a free X'mas party announcement here!

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