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Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
 Civil Supplies Avatar

The Department of Civil Supplies and Price Control should have
logically been wound up. It's been long since it has become redundant.
Historically, its principal function was to oversee the Public Distribution
System (PDS), which is now virtually dead. Since the amount of
subsidy was drastically reduced, the difference between prices in
the fair price shops and the open market has virtually vanished.
There are not too many people in Goa living below the poverty line
(BPL) who benefit from the scheme. If people continue to apply for
ration cards it is solely because it is still considered by several
government departments or even financial institutions as the only
proof of residence. This notwithstanding repeated clarifications
from the government to the contrary.

In the era of liberalisation and globalisation price control has also
become irrelevant. The last bastion of price control petroleum has
also given way. With the prices of petroleum products now linked to
international crude prices, the Civil Supply Department is not needed.
The department is a hangover from the bad, old, wicked days of
license and permit control raj. It's historical role was to ration goods
in short supply and monitor the prices. The need for ration has
disappeared as by and large there is no scarcity of the goods of
mass consumption. In the free market model, price control is an
anarchism. The control mechanism have been dismantled except
in a few areas like essential drugs.

In any case drugs have always been the domain of the Food and
Drugs administration and not the Civil Supplies Department. But
presumably the department cannot be wound up as it would lead
to the displacement of a large number of people. Besides, if the
whole concept of ration cards are done away with, scores of petty
babus will have no outlet for their sadistic impulses. In government
anyway, no department is even closed or wound up. Many of the
relics of the permit license raj have been renamed. Except that the
hope that they will be converted from regulators to facilitators has
not quite been realised. This is because it is virtually impossible to
change the mind set of the bureaucracy. So we are not really surprised
that the Department of Civil Supplies has been re christened as the
Department of Consumer Affairs.

In its new avatar, the department is expected to educate consumers
of their rights which we think is presumptuous for any government
department to do. The most user unfriendly provider of services is
the government. Historically, the Civil Supplies Department has not
distinguished itself for the kind of service it has provided to its consumers.
All those underprivileged people have had to run from pillar to post,
first to acquire a ration card and subsequently to secure the essential
commodities that possession of a card was supposed to guarantee.
Similarly, the various other government departments which supply
power or preside over water supply have always been citizen unfriendly.

It has been the bitter experience of the citizens that very little value for
money is provided by either government department or public sector
corporations. The general attitude of the government employee has
always been one of condescension if not surely resentment. When is
the last time you have received a polite response to a query or
complaint about your water supply or power or telecom bills or
breakdown or interruptions in these services. Every department
like the Industries Department or the Tourism Department expected
to be facilitators invariably behave in a rude and oppressive manner.
So there is certainly a need for a department to protect the
interests of consumer.

But whether those who have been involved in rationing ration cards
and the supply of essential commodities are the right people to
do it is a moot point. It is not as though the consumer is not aware
of his rights, on the contrary the consumer is only too painfully
conscious of the deficiency in service. The problems is not to get
these grievances redressed. There are of course the consumer courts.
But it takes a long time to get redressal in a consumer court. And
consumer courts can do nothing above rudeness and the crude
behaviour of petty clerks and even senior bureaucrats in the State.
Unless of course the government plans to send civil supplies
persons for retraining and reorientation.
Editorial in HERALD  16/12/02    page 6

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  14 onwards: Shireen Mody's Goa 2002 exhibition, Arpora. Tel 2276759
Dec  17, 18, 20: Indo-Portuguese furniture, lectures Fundacao  Ph 2230728
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

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