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Wild Goa update Oct-Nov 2002

29th Sept. Snake call at Cortalim. Harvey and I reach the house to
 find that the Cobra has followed a rat into a hole in a mud wall of
 the house. Digging it out proves futile as each hole in the wall
 leads to more holes; the cobra could be anywhere in the network. We
 resort to plan B. Smoke it out. Two long hours and plenty  smoke
 later, the angry but breathless cobra emerges from a hole near the
 roof only to be pulled out and bagged. We get home late and Harvey
 misses a birthday party.

2nd Oct The Inter-Hashers get a dose of wildlife and crocodiles on
 board our boat trip and The Wildgoa club go birding to Miramar
 where they see over 400 lesser and greater sand plovers, Kentish
 plover, stone chats and whimbrel.

4th Oct We introduce students from Mary Immaculate school to the
 birds at the Carambolim lake. The pheasant tailed jacana can be
 seen in breeding plumage. A marsh harrier glides gracefully over
 the lake, terrifying the smaller birds as it passes. I hear a
 mewing sound like that of a kitten in distress. Thinking it is a
 kitten drowning I go closer to the reeds to check-- and find a 
 ‘Dogfaced water snake’ holding on to a large squealing frog.

12th Oct  The Wildgoans are going crocodile watching on the
 Cumbarjua river. There are birds and crocodiles everywhere. We spot
 8 crocodiles,a great variety of birds , including a flock of white
 ibis perched on a tree, Asian openbill storks, and thirteen white
 collared kingfisher! (which also happens to be our record count for
 collared kingfisher!)...

16th Oct The long awaited Ornithology camp organised by the Bombay
 Natural History Society in collaboration with the Goa Forest
 Department and Southern Birdwing is finally underway. For the whole
 of the 16th and 17th we listen to Asad Rahmani, the director of the
 Bombay Natural History Society. As he shares his immense knowledge
 with us, explaining things like the value of a bird census, census
 techniques, importance of monitoring and a lot more, he keeps the
 fourteen of us captivated for the entire duration of the camp. The
 Forest Department take a lot of extra efforts to make the camp a

19th Oct  I head off to do a snake talk for the N.S.S.unit of
 Peoples college camp in Valpoi. Reach there only to find that the
 electricity has failed and won’t be back till the next morning. So
 that’s the end of the slide show for the day. Later that night
 Peoples’enthusiastic teacher Jude Mascarenhas and I get excellent
 sightings of nightjars. We get  close enough to touch one before it
 flies away.

20th Oct An early round of birding with the NSS students. The area
 we are in is a fantastic forest. There are hornbills everywhere ;
 the birdlife is quite amazing. There are some enthusiastic students
 who take the trouble to write down all the sightings. On the way
 back we need to stop the car as millions of small jungle crabs
 weave their way in front of us on the road.

27th Oct  Harvey and I set off to do a talk for the Dempo NSS camp.
 Its one of those days when we should have stayed at home. At Ponda
 the bike tire blows, leaving us to push the bike for half an hour.
 We fix it and head off to do the talk. When the talk is done we
 mount the bike only to find the tire has gone flat again. We borrow
 a nervous student’s bike to get home and return the next day.

4th Nov  I take Pugmarks, a group from Poona to see the Dudhsagar
 falls. On the same day, Harvey and Claudio take the Saligao youth
 hiking up Siddinath hill. (The Saligao spring itself is one of our
 favourite birding spots-- but they would rather travel elsewhere!).
 Recently, a large area of the dense growth opposite the spring has
 now been cleared to make room for a construction. And the birds
 have spent no time in moving away.

8th Nov We catch a 2.7 meter python in Captain Leo Lobo’s swimming
 pool at Dona Paula. It is not a very large python, simply really
 healthy and fat. As we put her into a sack-it is a female python-,
 she lets out a secretion from her mouth. Interestingly enough, the
 next day we get a call from Captain Lobo saying that another python
 came visiting, and the day after that two pythons were seen
 wandering around !

9th Nov   We head off to Bondla to help out with a WWF camp. After
 dinner, we leave the noisy group and scout around for nightjars. By
 now their conversation has reached a cresendo and it’s pointless
 telling them to ease the buzz. We can hear them laughing even a
 kilometre away. We see one night jar that starts and flies away.

17th Nov  It’s a wonderful morning. The Wildgoans are birding in
 Arpora. Amongst the sightings are Grey nightjar out in the open,
 Mahratta woodpecker and a whitebellied sea eagle sitting in her
 nest. As we sat in the shade watching the nest, we see the other
 eagle come in and perch alongside the first one. In the evening
 Terence comes over. Apparently his sister Clare has seen a Cobra in
 her room in Betim. In a little while Harvey and I are poking around
 looking for it. I suddenly hear a hiss as I remove one of the shoes
 from the rack. It’s a small, but really hot-tempered cobra. Later
 that night, Harvey gets a call from Captain Leo Lobo’s house again.
 This time it is a Russell’s Viper. The snake is bagged, but
 unfortunately not before it fatally bites one of his Labrador dogs.

20 Nov  Bird ringing with Scottish friends Steve and Joyce Moyes. We
 never thought this would actually materialize, but finally after
 much running around and nail-biting, we secure the necessary
 permits from the Forest Department. An early “practice session” of
 setting up mist nets had been conducted earlier this year, but this
 time it is the real thing! The BNHS rush us the rings, the forest
 department officers also participate in the exciting project,
 making our three sessions of bird ringing seem woefully inadequate.
 We ring about 30 passerines, (more details later). We hope this is
 one  step further into serious ornithology…

24th Nov The Wildgoa club gets a dose of birdlife at the Carambolim
 lake. The Group leader is noted artist and birder Mr. Carl D’Silva.
 Carl, who has illustrated the popular Salim Ali’s Book of Indian
 Birds and the newer Inskipps bird guide, makes birding seem as easy
 as a morning walk. Among the star sightings are birds like the Spot
 billed duck, Hoopoe, Glossy Ibis, Wigeon, Openbills and a couple of
 Marsh Harriers.

25th Nov I’m asleep and having a nightmare. There’s a cobra biting
 me as I’m holding it. I wake up with a start. It’s 4.45 in the
 morning and there’s a car tooting its horn outside my house. I go
 downstairs only to be told that there’s a cobra in someone’s house
 in Nerul. I’ve never been more nervous while bagging a snake, and I
 am still trembling a little even  after it is securely put by me
 into the bag. The cobra is set free the same morning.

30th Nov Some of our friends are having a night out at the Cotigao
 Sanctuary. After a great dinner and some soft guitar playing we
 take a late drive and a walk down a mud path. And just to make a
 statement : there's not always a tiger lurking behind every bush,
 or a snake under every leaf , or a host of animals moving around in
 the cold cover of silhouetted trees. Mother nature shows us
 absolutely nothing. Harvey and I head off on the eighty-kilometer
 ride back home, late at night. Tomorrow is another day, there’s
 birding to be done, there’s more to see -and to borrow a line from
 a great poet… Miles to go before I sleep.

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Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  14 onwards: Shireen Mody's Goa 2002 exhibition, Arpora. Tel 2276759
Dec  17, 18, 20: Indo-Portuguese furniture, lectures Fundacao  Ph 2230728
Jan  19-22: Gauri Divan's studio pottery, Rust, Aguada Rd Ph 2479340
Dec 23-Jan 7: Dayanita Singh's photo exhibition, Art House Tel 2276123
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

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