***** CHRISTMAS PARTIES 2002 *****

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Dear friends:

Even as Chief Minister Modi of Gujurat goes through the swearing-in gala ceremony 
today, with
Prime Minister Bajpayee, LK Advani, many State Chief Ministers, a large number of 
celebrities, and an estimated one lakh people in attendfance, there is this good news 
coming from

Please read the following despatch about the International Panel which probed violence 
women in Gujarat.  It calls upon the entire international community to be alerted for 
and has outlined tasks for us.

You can get the full report, and other coverage, by going to this link:


Hari Sharma

The International Initiative for Justice in Gujarat (IIJ)
PRESS RELEASE 19 December 2002

As women's groups in India, we are horrified by the violence that was unleashed 
against Muslim
communities and in particular on Muslim women in Gujarat from February 27, 2002, 
onward.  We are
appalled at the ways in which the instruments of a democratic state are working 
against the
interests of its own citizens, and the ways in which women's bodies are being used as
battlegrounds in the struggle over defining India as a Hindu State.

For nine months, we have seen lack of national political will to apply existing laws 
and redressal
mechanisms to ensure justice for the victims. This is further compounded by the fact 
of continuing
violence in the state. An International Initiative for Justice in Gujarat (IIJ) was 
constituted, comprising jurists, activists, lawyers, writers and academics from 
various parts of
the world.  Keeping in mind the many reports of independent agencies and statutory 
bodies, the
Panel, which visited Gujarat between 14th and 17th December, investigated the violence 
particularly the physical and sexual - inflicted upon women since 27th February 2002 
in light of existing international laws, conventions and norms. The Panel has also 
addressed the
complicity of the State in the violence, the lack of effective redressal for the 
victims and the
implications of the recent BJP victory in the state. This panel was not simply a 
mission, but rather to support efforts toward achieving justice for the survivors of 
attacks, as well as to support the prevention of future attacks against minorities, 

The panelists include Sunila Abeysekara, Director of Inform, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 
Rhonda Copelon,
Professor of Law, City University of New York, Anissa Helie of Women Living Under 
Muslim Laws
Algeria/France, Gabriela Mischkowski, Historian and co-founder, Medica Mondiale, 
Germany, Nira
Yuval-Davis, Professor of Gender and Ethnic Studies at the University of Greenwich, 
UK, and
several other prominent feminists.  Members of the Panel visited Ahmedabad, Baroda, and
Panchmahals District, and spoke with various affected people, support workers, 
lawyers, and held
confidential meetings with affected women.

The Panel's Interim Report on the situation in Gujarat voiced strong concern that "in 
spite of the
totally inadequate legal and other responses to the violence in Gujarat, the 
government has
continued to deny permission for international scrutiny of the situation. In a 
pluralist society
such as India, ensuring the equal representation and participation of all communities 
guaranteeing the rights of women and of minorities are among the most important tests 
of a
genuine democracy. The propagation of fear and hatred among communities is anathema to 
principles and is inconsistent with both national and international law."  The Report 
addressed the similarities and uniqueness of the ways in which sexual violence has 
been used  in
cases of religious, ethnic or communal violence in other parts of the world, and 
stated: "this
violence, which reflects a longer and larger genocidal project, in our view 
constitutes a
crime against humanity and satisfies the legal definition of genocide, both of which 
are crimes of
the most serious dimension under international law."

On the basis of their interviews and meetings, the panel has outlined Urgent Actions 
to Be Taken
by the state, the national and international community. They have stressed on the 
restoration of
the constitutional rights of the Muslims of India and asserted the need for ensuring 
protection of their human rights in accordance with international norms. They have 
recommendations for the immediate redressal for crimes of sexual violence in 
accordance with
the provisions of the ICC and called for specific measures with regard to the issues 
of justice,
continuing impact of the violence, and the continued marginalization of the Muslims of 

The International Initiative for Justice in Gujarat was organized by:

Citizen's Initiative (Ahmedabad), People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) - Shanti 
(Vadodara), Communalism Combat, Awaaz-E-Niswaan Forum Against Oppression of Women 
(FAOW) and Stree
Sangam  (Mumbai), Saheli, Jagori, Sama, and Nirantar (Delhi), Organised Lesbian 
Alliance for
Visibility and Action (OLAVA, Pune), and other women's organizations in India.

IIJ c/o FAOW, 29 Bhatia Bhavan, Babrekar Marg, Off Gokhale Road, Dadar (W), Mumbai 
400028, Ph:
9820833422, 9820850844, (022) 23705620 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o o o

The International Initiative for Justice in Gujarat: An Interim Report is available 
online at:

o o o


Redressing Violence against Women Committed by State and Non-state Actors in Gujarat, 

At 3.00 PM
Friday, 20 December 2002
Rajendra Bhavan, ITO
210 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg New Delhi
(Opp Gandhi Peace Foundation)
Phone: 23231033

The International Initiative for Justice committee is presenting its findings from its 
visit to Gujarat. The committee visited Baroda, Ahmedabad and Panchmahals-Dahod.

The committeeís mandate included investigations into the extent, nature, causes and 
of the violence - physical as well as sexual - suffered by women between 27 February 
and the end
of March, 2002, in Gujarat, India. They will also address the role of State 
authorities, including
that of the ruling party and the police, and the role of various organisations, 
fundamentalist religious organisations, with respect to the above events.

The panelists are:
Rhonda Copelon (Prof. of Law, City University of New School of Law & Director 
International Human
Rights Clinic)
Nira Yuval-Davis (Prof. of Gender and Ethnic Studies, University of East London)
Sunila Abeysekara (Director, Inform Sri Lanka)
Anissa Helie (Co-ordinator Women Living under Muslim Law[s], UK),
Vahida Nainar (Development Director, Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, India)
Meera Vellayudan (Historian, Institute for Environmental and Social Concerns, Kutch)
Farah Naqvi (Independent writer and women's rights activist, New Delhi)
Uma Chakravoarty (Historian, Delhi University and member PUDR)
Gabriela Mischowski (Historian and co-founder Medico-Mondiale, Germany).

Please do come and attend this meeting and spread the word among as many individuals/
organisations as possible.

Citizen's Initiative (Ahmedabad), People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Shanti 
(Vadodara), Communalism Combat (Mumbai), Lawyers Collective (Mumbai), Awaaz-E-Niswaan 
Forum Against Oppression of Women (FAOW, Mumbai), Saheli (Delhi), Jagori (Delhi), Sama 
Nirantar (Delhi), Organised Lesbian Alliance for Visibility and Action (OLAVA), Pune), 
and other
women's organisations in India

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Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  19-22: Gauri Divan's studio pottery, Rust, Aguada Rd Ph 2479340
Dec 23-Jan 7: Dayanita Singh's photo exhibition, Art House Tel 2276123
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

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