On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:10:01 +0200, "Basilio Magno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:


by Basilio Magno (Spain)

Who has not heard of the World Goa Day?  This is the fourth year of its
celebration -precisely on the 20th of August 2003, when Goans the world over
will gather together in their own Comunities or Associations, like the G.O.A.
etc, and celebrate with some cultural activity or a gala dinner to mark this,
now what has become , the annual feature of Goan socio-political life.

If you should not have the good luck of having an organised community in the
area you live, you could celebrate it with your family members, making it a
special  day with sanna and sorpotel or a family picnic, remeinding yourself
that this day is held in commemoration of Konkani's entry in the 8th Schedule of
the Indian Constitution, sealing it nationally as the official language of the
State of Goa in the Indian Republic.

It is also a day to remind yourself that you have a language of your own
-Konkani, the Goan Identity, no matter what nationality you posses or what
languages you may know.  At least at home and in the Goan community you should
make use of it -speak in Konkani.  And if you have not done it before, let World
Goa Day 2003 be a day to resolve to speak it if hitherto you have shyed to do
so, and if you do not know to speak it....make a resolution to begin to learn
it.  Konkani is a richer language than many other languages. and older than
Marathi.  In any case, according to the great Konknai philologist Mgr. Sebastiao
 Rodolpho Dalgado:  "Konkani is not a dialect or corruption of Marathi."

So this is also a day to declare to the linguistic world that "Konkani is not a
dialect of Marthis, as some Marathiwalas falsely propagate.  Besides, it is a
day to focus on every aspect of Goan culture, traditions, folklore, arts,
cuisine, etc. and to reestablish cultural unity and solidarity among Konkani
speaking people in all parts of the world, no matter in what script it is
written.  It is every Goans socio-patriotic duty to contribute to make the day a
success, resounding it with its anthem: PROUD TO BE A GOAN.

Initiated by Rene Barreto in 2000 with a small beginning in London, Goa and two
or three countries, the World Goa Day has become a world wide celebration  like
the feast of St. Francis Xavier celebrated with great enthusiasm and pomp, with
the difference that it is centred around our Goan identity -the Konkani
language.  Those missing to get on its Band Wagon in their own communities will
only have themselves to blame. I urge everyone to join the community in the area
of your residence and make this a day to speak in Konkani, after my slogan
composed in 1982:

Konknni uloi, Konknni boroi,
Khoro Goemcho put mhunn dakoi.


Speak in Konkani, write in Konkani,
Tell the world it's the Goan identy.


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