On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 08:31:10 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>         It is a wonder how perverted democracy is permitting Muslims to abuse
> Christ while living in the West. Christ is free for all to bash but please do
> not refer to our prophet.

Mr. Martins,

Muslims revere Jesus Christ as a prophet of God in the same way as they
revere the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, the question of Muslims
bashing/abusing Jesus does not arise.

Now I fully expect you to respond with twenty different unrelated points.

Tariq Siddiqui

I am aware of Islam, its history and of the relationship with Christ (known as
Hazrat Issa - Hazrat meaning Prophet), the Virgin and also the relationship of
Islam with Abraham and Ishmael. You need not concur with me.

I am opposed to Islam oppressing Christians where ever they demographically
predominate. Please comment about the persecution of Christians in Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, Pakistan (where you have relatives) and in Sudan, N. Nigeria and several
countries. I would like you to comment about the Massih affair, the Fatwa on
Rushdie and the persecution of Nasrin. Do not beat about the bush and demand a
response on your terms (20 different unrelated points). You do not accept the
truth. There are others who ought to know the modus operandi of Islam. I am not
afraid of the truth. Muslims criticise the morals of the West but enjoy living
in it.

I do not agree with Christianity in all its aspects and feel that the debate
between Vaz, Helekar and you puerile. Babble of the minnows. Santosh specializes
in raising the level of adrenalin of anyone who is willing to fall for his
arguments. I do not fall into this category.

Edgar Martins

P.S. I believe in Jesus and maintain the right to criticize him if need be. The
point is that I do not believe in Mohammed and also maintain the right (not
permitted in Islamic countries) to express the truth about him which Muslims
will not accept. If you have any doubts about Mohammed, please express them.

World Goa Day - 20-August - www.goaday.com

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