
> In the future

                                I'd like to see the Goanet community
become more involved > with Goan communities worldwide. Goanet is a
unique tool through  which we > can  work together to help each other.
I'd also like to see more people to > participate in discussions and become
more active in our community. > Together we can make this list vibrant
and more attractive...............wrote Herman Carneiro

CONGRATULATIONS to GOANET on ........IT'S ........ 9th Birthday !

Thanks to the entire  adminstrative TEAM ,without them GOANET
would not be the same. Thanks to the Admin team for bearing with guys
like me , sorry for the many emails and especially those that were sent
in html. format. :- )

A special thanks to Viviana for her personal help she has always  extended ,
both in the virtual and the real world , thank you Viviana for also being
there for us on our visit to San Francisco too.

Thanks to Bosco for his very supportive role he has played in
promoting WORLD GOA DAY , thank you Fred for * killing me *
with your kind words.  - : ) And all those Volunteers who are no
longer Volunteers of Goanet ...they too  have helped make Goanet
what it is today.

Without Goanet ,  WORLD GOA DAY may  not have  been
the great SUCCESS it is today , because of this success ,  I
believe that many more Goans will have known of GOANET
 now. !

Let me hasten to say that there are many other Goan forums
who have put up with me too ! They too have contributed in
making WORLD GOA DAY the  success it is TODAY . I will
have MY thank u's at some time later date.

                                       .............................. , 4500
members !
that s great ! NOW , LETS make it a GOAN commUNITY !
........that will SUPPORT all things Goan ! as Herman has
declared....that , and  I quote *   > In the     future     I'd like
to see the Goanet community become more involved with
Goan communities worldwide. >  *
I too would  like to see that HAPPEN

SUPPORT GOANS irrespectively  !  PUTTING  Goans  First .... you would with your family.

                          LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN , lets not wait for
others to make things to happen for us , they may never.


rene barreto


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# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at              #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

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