From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Goan Voice Fred Noronha posted.

> Just to give credit where credit is due... the Goan Voice issue was edited
> and compiled by Eddie Fernandes. I merely forward it, since the original
> version (as put out via Eddie's list) needs to be stripped of
> non-plaintext characters before being put out on Goanet. Needless to say,
> every issue of Goan Voice is a painstaking compiliation by Eddie, who
> spends many hours over it. Worth subscribing to, for sure... FN


I am also sure that everything that goes in the Goan Voice U.K. is
painstakingly done, so there should be no fall back as to its accuracy, also
for that matter, as to the accuracy of the people/persons, putting out their
'Glorifications.'  These people/persons  should be ''man enough'' to also
put to the the theatre their short comings, failings..... To paint a picture
of roses when there has been an absolute blot on our community, I feel is
unforgiveable. The powers that be, know, where I am and I would welcome any
intercourse with them, in any theatre of their choosing, at any time and
place which is mutually accepted!


Gabe Menezes.

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