Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
On January 12, 2003 in response to a final official
declaration of acceptance of the Monica Besra miracle 
as genuine, I wrote a short explanation on why this
so-called miracle is actually a garden variety medical
cure, i. e. as a result of modern medical treatment.
There was no response to my post, which was unusual
considering the fact that there are at least a couple
of vocal believers in miracles (of course, only the
Christian ones) who use all kinds of tactics including
innuendo, plagiarism and personal 
abuse to shill for dishonesty in the miracle business
and to attack anybody, but especially George Pinto and

Come on Santosh, you know as well as I do that the
Church is hell bent on making Mother Teresa a Saint.
If she has not performed a certified miracle in her 
life time, they will find one for her. If two miracles
are required, no problem. They know what to

The only good that may come out of this exercise is
now that the farce/process of appointing people saints
becomes known to the lay people, perhaps some of them
will question the whole concept of Saints. 

I find it funny that a person would need to pray to a
Saint for 'intervention' when the direct line to God
is open to all. Funnier still is when the church
changes it's mind a declares a Saint er, sort of, not
a Saint anymore even though, St. Christopher for
example, answered everyboby's prayers for a few
hundred years :-)

Lastly, Mother Teresa addressed the Dar-es-Salaam 
(Goan) Institute in 1976 or 1977. She came to Tanzania
to start a home and was appealling for funds. Although
I was just a teenager then, I still remember members
saying that, "if you donate to Mother Teresa, all your
prayers will be answered." Thats the sort of short cut
that I like..........


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