
There is no hatred towards non-goans,neither did i for
one mention about any article, tillnow I am still
mentioning about the photograph which should have had
a goan pictured in a goan attire.You should not judge
others in a negative way without understanding themain
subject matter of the other party. Once again I say
strongly we should not bring into this topic the words
like hindu, .... extremists etc.. and if any group has
a way of preserving their culture in their way good
for them. Marlon sometimes you go to the extremes of
confusing others with your words and the main subject
matter is neglected. I stick to what I say, how you
imagine and accept it is hardluck for you. I will
definetely go and evaluate my attitude towards other
culture and thanks for your friendly advice, but you
require a total panel beating of your vocablury, you
seem to mix custard, pudding,meat, vegetable etc. etc.
and the main igredients are forgotten. Marlon I have
been reading your letters some are good while others
liek this one fails to impress. I give credit where it
is due. 

-- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It is
interesting that Nasci, Ivor et al who live as 
> immigrants and migrants outside India, choose to 
> engage in questionable attacks against migrants and 
> their "cheap culture". 
> Vivek in his comments below even seems to rationlize

> the methods used by exremists like the sh*t sena 
> when 
> he says "each community has a different way of 
> preserving things, what is food for one maybe poison

> for other". I'm sorry Vivek, but comments like these

> are an insult to Goans. We do not believe in ethnic 
> cleansing. 
> It looks like some people, in the blind hatred of 
> non-goans who live in Goa, have chosen to jump the 
> gun 
> about an article that happened to show Rajasthanies 
> selling their wares in the Anjuna flea market. 
> Nasci 
> incorrectly states that the picture was an advert 
> for 
> Goa, when in fact it was simply one of many pictures

> embedded in an article on Anjuna beach and other 
> places in Goa. As others have asked, please show us 
> any thing in the article that suggested that the 
> Rajasthanies were in fact Goans. If you can't then, 
> you really need to go back and evaluate your 
> attitudes 
> towards people's of other cultures and religions. 
> Marlon 
> --- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > The alleged picture of the Rajastani dress woman 
> in 
> > the Ad for Goa is off 
> > the top; but I would not say it is an insult to 
> > Goans. The woman or any 
> > other persons depicted should have had some Goan 
> > Costumes and or 
> > contemporary styles of dress; this should have 
> been 
> > in the main, with the 
> > Rajastani shown as one of other Indians also 
> > visiting in Goa. 
> --- vivek araujo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > What other groups do, say extremists as mentioned 
> by 
> > Mr. Marlon to the extent of preserving thier pure 
> > culture is upto them, each community has a 
> different 
> > way of preserving things, what is food for one may

> > be 
> > poison for other. The other extremists are unique 
> in 
> > their own way be it good or bad and we are unique 
> in 
> > our way. There is nothing wrong to be associated 
> > with 
> > groups as long as your path is right. 
> > 
> > Nothing cheapens goan culture, as it has always 
> been 
> > supreme and will always remain , when goan culture

> > cheapens is when Mr. Marlon thinks it in a cheap 
> > way, 
> > here we are talking in terms of Insult to Goans 

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