Things are not as they appear - the cock and bull
stories continues.... !!!
While we appreciate the hard efforts and the sporting
spirit of all involved in the Mini Indian football
tourney organized by Gulf International - Dubai and
the efforts put in for the comfort, hospitality and
well-being of the teams (specially those of the
visiting surrounding Gulf countries), it is with
regret that we had to bring to the notice of all
football lovers, organizers,  etc. that among the
invitees (before they boarded the flight to the
Emirates), it was openly stated that the organizers
are not up to the mark *Kitem re tea organizers.....
ami ... taka sangla boroupak* .... and that a
particular team had complaints before they even said
goodbye to their families and friends. team was verbally informed by a senior
team manager Goan (sponsored by an oil company from
North America) at the Al-Sour Grounds on Friday at
9:16 a.m. that they had already informed their
sponsored representative (flown specially) to do the
needful, i.e. to write something against the
organizers when they themselves are hosts and are
welcomed with kindness, almostly free !!!!.
This is where the Goan crab mentality and sports -
specially footballers (as well as the others) lose
The Goan saying and rhyme 'ami bikari khorea,
punn....... "  goes a long way to justify that
educating the down-trodden was indeed an ''error'' on
the part of the Europeans who started the English
medium schools in Bardez ?
We are unsure what the anti-publicity for the
organizers is in store once the tourney is concluded
when the particular team from the region flys out of
the Emirates !!!  Before that good words and bombastic
attitude (face to face) will be showered?
As we, at, have on the Net mentioned
about a decade ago, only the Almighty can save the
Goans!  Oxench zaum, zalear pur'ro!
Will someone guess what the 'z' series guys are upto?
(pronounced Almeidaji)     

Watch for the worm and the

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